The Scrapbooking craze has caught on like wildfire, and one of the great things about enjoying a thriving hobby is that newer and better tools are cropping up for it all the time. Veteran scrapbookers know better than to waste their time hunting down paper, tags and embellishments. Beginners, however, often make that mistake before they discover the magic of scrapbooking kits.
One Stop Shopping
One of the most useful, inspiring and efficient offerings of the scrapbooking industry has to be the scrapbooking kit. Without stumbling through 20 aisles at the craft store, one kit can offer you a theme, color scheme, layout designs and embellishments for a very reasonable price.
Many companies now offer monthly deals on kits. It's like a book of the month club, but you are getting a cropper's dream kit delivered to your door each month. These kits may include: textured cardstock, fibers, letters, patterned papers, templates, stamps, brads, tags and lined paper for journaling. They usually start around $30.00 and go up in price depending on your add-ons.
Once Upon a Theme
Kits may center on a holiday, event, season, locale, era, pattern, or color. It's so helpful to have appropriate words and phrases right at your fingertips. In addition, you can purchase material based kits like ribbon kits, cardstock kits and fiber kits. These are useful if you are trying to incorporate a new item into your hobby. Such kits usually include helpful tips and ideas for the included materials.
Rather than inhibit creativity, pre-packaged scrapbooking kits actually provide croppers with inspiration and a starting point. It is truly amazing to see how different women can use the same package and achieve drastically different results. Of course, you are never limited to what's in your chosen kit.
Events of a Lifetime
Some of my favorite kits are the ones you can get for milestones like weddings, new babies, and first days of school. They usually come with stickers, quotes on vellum paper or other ways to incorporate expressions and sayings onto the page. The wedding kits often contain richly textured paper with classically elegant designs. The baby scrapbook kits may offer bottle shaped eyelets, die-cut duckies or short answer journal pages for a sleepy new mom.
Interested in preserving family history? The ancestry kits are truly amazing. You can choose from family trees, vintage specialty paper, antique looking tints and frames, as well as old-time embellishments like ribbons, buttons and material scraps. Whatever tone you want to set for your heritage album, there are kits and materials that will suit your needs.
Choosing a Kit
Sometimes events dictate your theme, such as a graduation or a birthday party. Other times you may have a little more leeway to determine which decorations, patterns and themes to use. You will be astounded by the variety of kits that have been assembled. Over time I have discovered scrapbooking kits on produce, tools, toys, vintage dresses, and paisley, just to name a few. By browsing websites and catalogs, you are bound to find the scrapbooking kits to help you create your best album yet.
Free Digital Scrapbooking Kits
The best and easiest way to get started is by buying scrapbooking kits that come pre-assembled and ready for you to begin your journey to becoming a scrapbooker. You will not spend a bunch of money only to find out later that you don't have everything you need. A kit will give you time to ease into the hobby.
There are some pros and cons when it comes to scrapbooking kits. The pros are that your scrapbooking paper and scrapbook layouts are included in the kit. You can find everything from stickers to funny captions that can be added to your pictures to create an exciting memory of a special event or place.
You do not have to worry about finding different scrapbooking paper because there will be theme related paper all in one kit. Take for example summer outings: there are a variety of kits that come with different sports related themes, outdoors themes and even Fourth of July paper.
The con's of using a scrapbook kit are that you will still need to buy other accessories, such as a wheel cutter for cutting certain shapes out on the picture. It may also not contain enough scrapbooking paper and scrapbook layouts to fill a large scrapbook. That means you will have to buy additional kits to fill the pages or you will have to buy the pages one at a time.
It may also not have the exact sheets that you are looking for so you will have to buy additional scrapbook pages to satisfy your creative urge. You will have to examine several kits to determine which one will work for you and your project. A kit may not have that personalized feel that you would prefer.
The best idea is to start small when it comes to scrapbooking kits. Find yourself a small album and start off slowly, gradually acquiring all the tools you need in order to create a one of a kind project, perhaps a family scrapbook.
The most important part is to have fun with it and enjoy what you are doing. This should be a labor of love and not just a labor that has you pulling your hair out. Scrapbooking is an enjoyable hobby that can showcase a lifetime of memories.
Both Barbara Kirby & Mike Selvon are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Barbara Kirby has sinced written about articles on various topics from Ideas for Scrapbooking, Fundraising and Ideas for Scrapbooking. Barbara Kirby is the author of the Free ebook - The Scrapbookers Directory - which gives you instant access to discount scrapbooking supplies, ideas, layouts, freebies and more. For more info check out. Barbara Kirby's top article generates over 5400 views. Bookmark Barbara Kirby to your Favourites.
Mike Selvon has sinced written about articles on various topics from Camping, Allergies and Personal Desktop. Browse to Mike Selvon portal to find out more about scrapbooking kits. We greatly appreciate your feedback at our. Mike Selvon's top article generates over 450000 views. Bookmark Mike Selvon to your Favourites.
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