Back in the 1930's, the US Congress legislated the ?talking-book program? keeping the needsof the blinds in the centre of attention. Clearly, the intention of thelegislation was to facilitate the blinds? access to knowledge and informationmore. With time the idea of this talking-book curved its place among the commonmass as audiobook ? ?recording of thecontents of a book read aloud?. Though earlier audio cassettes were the solemedium of audiobooks, the invention of CDs gave audiobooks a big thrive. Later,faster internet technology coupled with varied compressed audio formats and portableaudio players have given the biggest impetus to the audiobook industry and asolid popularity.
Now, of late, downloadable audiobooks are the best choice amongall the alternatives available. And you can avail these just sitting at homeand they can be converted to any major media format you wish. And there are agood number of sites that offer free audiobooks. Besides taking these freedownloadable audiobooks over to your MP3 or iPod, you can also burn CDs andmake as many copies as you need. In addition to the internet, many librariesare also offering audiobooks free download and downloading free audiobooks fromlibraries is particularly worthwhile when you are looking for some particularcategory that the library is rich in. Most libraries usually have a diversecollection of research and non-fiction free downloadable audiobooks and theformats of the free audiobooks they offer are no different from those of thefree audiobook download websites.
Some of the free audiobooks are read by computer voice whichyou'll find to be a bit distorted and thus less intelligible when you transferthem to other devices from your PC. So, make sure that you choose the audiobookproduced by a real person's voice when there's an option. One other thing youshould be aware of is that most of the sites offering free downloadableaudiobooks would ask you to register with them and provide your personal information.Many of the not-so-reputable sites may sell the database of personalinformation to other online websites and this may severely add up to your junkmail. Besides, some sites may also generate virus or spy ware into your PC. Toavoid such nuisances, take little toil to review the free audiobooks sites youwish to download from. In cases, you'd even get reviews and comments on suchfree audiobooks sites from people who downloaded from those sites earlier. Thebottom line of all these advices is ? always prefer to download free audiobooksfrom sites with a good reputation.
Audiobooks are great stuffs that you can listen to whiledoing some repetitive and boring task or waiting for somebody for long. And forthose also who have an interest in literature but don't afford the time to be solelycaught up by a book for hours. No matter what book you are looking for, you aremost likely to find it on any of those audiobooks free download sites. Try searchingwith keywords like ?free audiobooks?, ?free downloadable audiobooks?, ?freeaudio books downloads? to get into the treasure trove.
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