When you have a sleep over you can do a lot of things. You can have a pillow fight, tell ghost stories, watch movies all night, play truth or dare, and much more. If you make popcorn on the stove you need to watch it so it won't catch on fire. You can order pizza or Chinese food and listen to music. When most girls have a sleep over, they talk about boys and do their make-up and their nails. They watch romantic movies and gossip about anything. When boys have a sleep over they talk about girls and cars. They work out or watch movies that can be dirty or action-packed that are about fighting or car races.
If you go out camping with a few friends and you're all sitting around a fire, you can tell ghost stories and scare the pants off your friends. You can tell them about your goals in life, the funniest things that you did when you were a kid, or you can make memories that you will remember for the rest of your lives. You can tell funny stories and you can tell about your life. You can have a party when your camp has a lot of people and a lot of times there will be drinking and sex. But you need to watch the fire because if the wind is high it can cause a fire if there is debris around it.
Ghost stories can be really fun if you tell your friends that your house is haunted. It gets them even more scared because they will think that they are hearing noises or they will think they saw something in your house. If you don't want to scare your friends too bad, don't tell them that. Ghost stories are a lot better around a campfire because it is very dark and the only light you have is the fire.
It makes it scarier, and it gives you better story lines to come up with. You can have someone hide in the bushes and jump out to scare them even more. It is funny to see that and watch them scream and run or watch them jump out of their skin. If you tell them a true story, you might scare them too much, and they might panic all night. Then you have to tell them that they will be ok to help them go to sleep.
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