A lesson in the functioning of the human body is presented here before you so that you best understand the nature and effect of the human growth hormone in the context of maintaining or enhancing the overall wellness factor. A hormone produced in the pituitary gland of the human brain, the growth hormone is the main gland in the endocrine system and bears the life-long responsibility of perpetually stimulating development of bone growth, keeping the immune cell function at an optimum level besides helping in protein synthesis, muscle cell growth and mobilizing fat tissue. In short, the growth hormone is basically what decides your shape, size and energy output and determines whether you will be seen as a blimp or a regular guy.
The growth hormone also controls the weight levels by mobilization of fat tissues in the body and plays a crucial role in maintaining cardiovascular health, but since its levels of production are said to decrease as the human body ages, a lack of the growth hormone may well be the link for understanding why aged people are at a greater risk of cardiac problems.
How the level of growth hormones determine human health and lifestyles
A little known fact about growth hormones in humans is that consumption of high-fat food is known to cause reduction in the levels of HGH secretion while instances of activities such as exercising, trauma, stress and injury- even some phases of the menstrual cycle-can cause the production of growth hormones to go into an overdrive, being peaked with greater exertion as interpreted by the brain.
Also referred to as GH, growth hormones and their rising or lowered levels determine the aging process of an individual and therefore there are many keen to stop or reverse this degenerative process and raise their quality of life. While the best output of growth hormones in the human body is at the neonatal stage, these high production levels are also reached at puberty, research indicate. Beyond this stage in human lives, the human growth hormones begin a slow and steady decline after the age of 25, to an almost depressive count of 14 per cent lower production after the age of 30 years- and staying steady at that rate for every 10 years after that. For the statisticians among our readers, we report the following findings for growth hormones: at 20years, the growth hormone produces 500 micrograms while nearing 40 years, production levels drop to a mere 200 mcg. Thus, it is no surprise that aging occurs due to loss in productivity of this essential growth hormone, resulting in a paltry 25 micrograms output by the age of 80, making researchers categorize most men over 60 as clinically deficient in GH, the considerably lowered levels of GH standing mute proof of the need for safe and effective growth hormone stimulators.
Health issues that can be addressed positively with use of growth hormone supplements
Despite best intentions, sensible diets, great genes and exercise, the fact remains that aging is a natural process but the negative consequences of it can be controlled via smart use of safe and effective growth hormone supplements: combating increased fat, decreased lean muscle mass, lost energy levels, lowered bone strength and reduced immune system levels is possible and affordable today.
This Article is Originally Published here: growth-hormone(http://www.advice-hgh.com/growth-hormone.html)
Growth Hormone In Adults
By the time you reach 60, your natural production of Human Growth Hormone is most likely to be half of what it was when you were 20. This means that you will have less energy, more body fat, heal slower and have a weaker immune system. Recent studies have shown the direct impact Human Growth Hormone has on multiple body functions.
How can Human Growth Hormone or HGH help you?
By supplying your body with increased release of Human Growth Hormone. This is how it works... HGH is produced by your anterior pituitary gland and plays a role in your immune system function, tissue repair, cell replacement, and bone strength.
HGH was produced by your pituitary gland in large amounts when you were young, but secretion fell off sharply as you aged. HGH promotes tissue repair, cell regeneration in your bones, muscles and vital organs, and supports your immune system in combating infections and diseases.
HGH achieves this by improving the movement of amino acids (the building blocks of cells and muscles) across your cell membranes. As your body's cells die off, HGH ensures that replacement cells are healthy and readily available. As you age, your HGH levels decline causing your cell replacement levels to reduce.
Although HGH levels decrease as you get older, you can supplement HGH naturally into your diet. So where exactly can you get HGH: Exercise - Exercising regularly will slowly begin to increase natural production of HGH. Eat Certain Foods- Certain amino acids, arginine, lysine, and ornithine can promote your body's natural release of growth hormone.
You can also get it as an natural HGH supplement through pills or spray, that supports your body's ability to self-repair and delay the aging process, and as an injectable.
With injectable HGH there is much skepticism about absorption, the best time to inject and the amount to inject. Injectable HGH is active approximately 30 minutes in your system before it is dissipated or lost. Because HGH dosages are not an exact science, clinical trials have not yet determined the quantity (IU's) needed, injection times, and durations for optimum results.
Which simply put means there is a lot of wasted HGH happening besides the side effects that come with incorrect dosages. There is also the chance that while injecting HGH that your pituitary gland could be permanently shut down. This is why supplementing HGH pills or spray in a way that mimics your body's own cycle of secretion is far more efficient because you take small dosages giving you 100% absorption.
HGH offers you all the following potential benefits. Reverse the effects of aging, increase your energy, reduce fat, increase sexual potency, gain lean muscle, sharpen memory, improve sleep quality, wrinkle reduction and much more.
Both Sudhani & Peter Rapport are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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