Whilst surfing the web I've noticed lots of people asking and talking about Monofibre, on blogs, forums, webzines and chat rooms; what is it? Where can I get it? Is it true? The exciting news of this revolutionary concept is spreading fast and people want to know more. The answer is yes it is true; you can have hair extensions with no damage to your natural hair by using Monofibre.
Hair Extensions is a fast growing, popular service that can give you the long and thick locks you've always dreamed of and anyone can have hair extensions and not just the Celeb culture as some people profoundly seem to think due to the ongoing media coverage. It is a creative and skilled service that can give you the look you've been yearning for.
Recently we have seen a lot of negative press surrounding the apparent damage that hair extensions can cause to your hair, with daunting pictures of Celebrities with bald spots and breakage, trying to cover up what they can, it's enough to sadly put anyone off trying hair extensions. In some cases, depending on application and removal method, this can be true but not with Monofibre Hair Extensions.
Monofibre is a specially designed material that out performs your natural hair and doesn't have a mind of its own. No glues or resins are used in application like with human hair and removal is easy requiring no solvents or acetones making it a hair friendly service.
When applied it can give you added volume or length, or a textured look with braids, dreadlocks, twists or any creative style you want.
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