Choosing a multivitamin today can be very stressful as there are hundreds of companies looking to sell them to you. Since not all vitamins are created equal, with different ingredients and daily values (DV), it is important that you know what you are looking at on the label. A good multivitamin should provide 100 percent of the DV of vitamins and minerals, but there are some exceptions. Some you do not need at all, some you only need a little and some you can benefit from more.
Calcium is very easy to get from the food you eat. For women most multivitamins do not have enough calcium because it is bulky. You would be better off getting a separate supplement.
Magnesium is another bulky supplement and all you really need in 25% of the DV in a multivitamin.
Vitamin K is important because research suggests people need it to reduce the risk of hip fractures. The recommended DV is 120 mg, but because it can interfere with blood thinners most multivitamins have less. You can get more vitamin K from leafy greens.
Iron is more important for premenopausal women then men and post menopausal women. Most brands have 18mg because that is the daily value however 8, 9, or 10mg is close enough. You also get iron from red meat so if you rarely eat red meat do not use an iron-free multi. As a side note too much iron can cause constipation, the highest safe level is 45mg.
Vitamin B12 has a low DV at 6mcg, but experts recommend a high dose of 25mcg if you are over 50. B-12 may be less absorbed if a person is taking acid blockers, so 250 is recommended. As a note high levels of B-12 have no known side effects.
Vitamin A has a DV of 10,000 IU a day. The worry about A is that too much can raise the risk of hip fractures. Most multis have 10,000 IU so the food we eat puts us over that limit.
Zinc has a highest safe level of 40mg, but women only need 8 mg and men need 11 mg. Too much zinc can impair the immune system so stay away from the multivitamins with levels of 30mg because the food you eat will put you over the edge.
Vitamin D is important because it helps absorb calcium. A good multi has over440 IU.
B-1, B-2, B3, and B-6 most multivitamins have the recommended DV. However more then 100 mg of B-6 can cause neurological damage that is reversible and high does of niacin (B-2) over3000 mg may cause liver damage.
Selenium has a DV of 70 mcg however most have less. A study is currently being conducted to see if 200 mcg may lower the risk of prostate cancer. However more then 800mcg may cause you nails or hair brittle.
Vitamin E the DV is 30 IU, to be safe choose a multi-vit with under 100 IU.
Vitamin C has new recommendations of 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men. Most multi-vitamins have more but more then 1000mg of C can cause diarrhea.
Chromium 20 mcg for women and 20 mcg for men are the DV but most brands have 120 mcg but that is safe.
Potassium is usually found in low levels. Potassium may help in preventing osteoporosis, kidney stones and high blood pressure so to get it benefits eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Iodine, Manganses, Molybdenum, Chloride, Boron, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Nickel, Silicon, Tin and Vanadium can all be ignored. Because you get more then enough of what you need in the foods you eat.
Take some time and read the labels of the multi-vitamins to choose the one that is right for you. Be careful not to go over the DV or the safest level. It is safer to be under the values because you also get the vitamins and minerals you need in the food you eat.
Hairstyles For A Bob
Playing the best game also means taking the best swings at the ball. If you want to make sure that you hit the ball exactly like you envision every time, then you can begin by understanding some basic techniques about how to use the bat properly. By putting techniques into full swing, you will have the ability to hit a home run every time.
When you go up to swing, you will want to make sure that your preparation is in place and exactly how you want it to give you the best abilities to hit the ball. You will want to move up to the batting area and stand with one foot in front of the plate, and the other slightly back. This will give you leverage when you are moving in to swing the ball. You can also stand with your feet hip width apart in order to make it more comfortable. You will also want to slightly bend your knees in order to help with the leverage that you need to hit the ball.
From here, you will want to align the bat with your hands in order to give you the control that you need. One hand should be directly above the other towards the end of the bat. Your knuckles will need to be aligned in order to hit the ball more directly. When you are holding the bat, you should make sure that you don't hold it too tightly, or too loose, as this will make you loose control of what you are hitting. When you are holding the bat, it should be easy for you to roll both of your wrists in preparation to hit the ball.
After you have adjusted everything in order to hit the ball, you can work on the different techniques for hitting and controlling the ball. The first step to this is the stride. When you stride, your front foot should go forward about six inches and your hands will move away from the foot. You can also stride by stepping up or down in the same place, which will allow you to pivot exactly like you want to.
The next step is for the batter to swing. At a basic level, there are about four different ways to swing the bat. These will vary according to the height that you use to hit the ball. The bat will end up either at knee level, waist level, a move up or a move down. Over time, you will be able to prepare which type of swing you use according to how the ball is being pitched. No matter what type of swing you are using, you want to make sure that your arms are strong and sturdy and that you bat all the way through, meaning the bat goes all the way around, even after you have hit the ball. Of course, if you are bunting the ball, you won't have to swing the bat all the way around, but will instead pivot in order to keep the ball in the area that you want it.
By understanding how to prepare and maneuver yourself, you will have the ability to hit a home run every time. You can begin to learn to hit and bunt balls by practicing various swings and making sure that you are positioned exactly like you want. This will give you the ability to position for every swing.
Both Theresa & Jerald Shin Shapiro are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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