A unique Halloween invitation would involve the use of less than conventional materials. For example, have you thought about using candle wax? Candles have been associated with the Halloween season since the olden days. Nowadays you could buy candles that are shaped like familiar Halloween figures, such as the Jack-o-lantern (you don't need to carve a pumpkin, if your candle is already shaped like one!), a witch's broomstick, or a small bat.
But you don't need fancy candles to make a cost-efficient Halloween invitation. A regular old red candle will do. Light the candle and allow it to melt a bit, then place some drops of red wax onto a spot on the front of the card. Let it dry. This would make it look like a few drops of blood have been left on the card, as a sort of "calling card" from beyond!
Feel free to shape the drops of wax anyway you want. You could make the drops in the shape of a familiar Halloween motif, such as a pumpkin or a bat, and use candles that are of other colors besides red. Black and orange candles should be easier to find in shops this season.
Just make sure that your card is hard enough to hold the wax! Flimsy sorts of paper, such as thin book paper, is not recommended for this technique. And of course, you should be careful not to leave lit candles unattended. These could be the cause of tragic fire-related accidents. Be careful also not to get hot melted wax onto your skin. Don't allow children to play with melted wax without adult supervision, or to try and make wax decorations on their own!
Another way to use wax in order to make a unique Halloween invitation is to buy liquid wax (or solid blocks of wax for making homemade candles) and aluminum molds. Molds that are flat on one or both sides could create not only gorgeous candles, but fun giveaways as well! You could pour wax into the mold and make wax figurines, like cats or bats - they don't have to be turned into candles if you don't want them to. Simply fill in the molds solidly with wax, and forego adding the wicks. Make sure to observe safety precautions, and to closely follow the instructions on the molds and the liquid wax, if there are any!
Once the wax has cooled, place the figurine on top of a piece of paper. Trace the edges and cut out the piece of paper that will fit exactly on top of the flat side of your wax figurine. You can then write or paste on that piece of paper the details for your Halloween invitation. This is definitely a unique Halloween invitation idea that your guests would want to safekeep!
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