Milfoil, “Achillea millefoilum", came from Europe and western Asia. This herb has many medicinal uses and it is recommended in different illnesses of the stomach and intestines, like entero-colitis and gastritis. It calms the stomachal colics, helps the elimination of flatulencies and stimulates the appetite (because of the bitter compound achileine – contained especially in the leaves). Because milfoil helps the circulatory system, it is recommended for angina pectoris and for kidney illness also.
The flowers of this plant are picked-up in the after-noon – Flores millefolli – without the peduncle, while being in the blossoming state, or the whole herb without root. It blooms from June to September. The process of drying the flowers is done in the shade, in breezy-rooms or in fresh air. After drying, the flowers’ color must be light-yellow.
This herb can be used for teas, tinctures, dabs and baths. To prepare an infusion one spoon of herb must be mixed in one cup of boiling water for 5 minutes and up to three or four cups a day can be consumed. It stimulates the liver, increases the biliary secretion, and calms the biliary colics. In cases of lung cancer it is recommended to consume every morning and evening one cup of milfoil tea mixed with sweet calamus which is chewed during the day. The tea is also efficient in treating hemorrhoids, hematemesis, melaena, and stomach aches. The tea stimulates the appetite, eliminates distension and stomachal cramps, helps when the gastro-intestinal tract is inflamed. The milfoil tea has a powerful influence over irregular menstruation; it can help stop bleedings and heal pains. For hemorrhoids it is recommended to have a mixture of milfoil with nettle leaves tea, two or three cups a day. In cases of constipation, buckthorn shell can be added.
The hands and legs must be washed up with milfoil in order to treat neuritis. It acts directly over the marrow, stimulating blood renewal. Because of that it is recommended in diseases of the marrow or leukemia.
The herb must not be used by pregnant women or women in lactation periods. High doses can produce headaches or allergies.
Health Benefits Of Cashews
Acupuncture is an alternative health therapy taught in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The technique dates back at least 2,500 years. The practice of acupuncture involves inserting needles into meridian points on the body. Manipulation of the needles is believed to promote health by balancing the opposite forces of 'yin' and 'yang.' Yin and yang flow along energy paths in the body. This 'chi' energy is sometimes calle Qi. Acupuncture is believed to clear natural blockages of this energy as it flows throughout the body.
How Can Acupuncture Help Me?
The verdict is still out on the results of the scientific study of the beneficial effects of acupuncture. However some western medical practitioners will agree that there are certain conditions that acupuncture is good as a helping therapy. It is particularly useful in treating against nausea and pain and nausea. Acupuncture can help to treat chronic pain, nasea, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, menstrual pain, headaches, arthritis, repetitive strain injuries, asthma and some addictions.
Acupuncture should be used a part of a comprehensive health management program. Check with your doctor to see what negative repercussions could be encountered. As a warning, acupuncture is not recommended for all types of illnesses. Some conditions may actually increase the risk of using acupuncture, for example breast implants, drugs, pacemaker, and pregnancy.
Back in 1972 most people in the USA had never heard of acupuncture or any of the Traditional Chinese Medicine practices. But President Richard Nixon's visit to China to visit Chairman Mao in 1972 changed that. His visit cracked open the door to China for most Americans. For the first time American reporters covered ancient Chinese practices that fascinated our western mindset.
Some doctors refer to acupuncture as quackery based on folk medical practices and mysticism. Believers in acupuncture run the full range of people that buy into the whole flow of energy concept fully to those that just believe that acupuncture is a good therapy for pain management.
Both Cristi Ion & Gisela Harris are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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