Grapes are 65-85% water, 10-33% sugar (glucose and fructose), phlobaphene, gallic acid, silicic acid, quercetine, anin, glucosides - mono delphinidin and delphinidin, fruit acids, like apple acid, salicilic acid, phosphoric acid, lemon acid, amber acid, formic acid and a little bit of oxalic acid, pectins, tannic substances, salts of potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, cobalt, iron and vitamins B1, B2,Ð’6, Ð’12, Ð, С, Ð , Ð Ð , K, folic acid and enzimes.
Grape skin has tannic substances and essential oils.
Grape seeds have tannic substances, phlobaphene,
lecithin, vanilla and fatty oil.
Grape leaves have sugar, quercetine, carotene, inosite, tannic substances, betain, tartaric acid, apple acid, ascorbic acid, protocatechine acid, potassium, sodium, iron and silicon.
Grapes have been used for treating metabolism disorder, liver, kidney and lung disorders and cardiovascular problems. Grapes improve metabolism and have diuretic, anti inflammation, light laxative and inducing perspiration effect.
Grapes help with nervous exhaustion, hypertension, high blood pressure, bronchitis and gout. Eating grapes strengthens your body when you need to recover from anemia, gastritis with high acidity, metabolism disorder, chronic insomnia and constipation.
It is recommended to include grapes in your diet in the first stage of tuberculosis.
Drinking grape juice daily for a long time helps to lower high blood pressure.
There many grape home remedies in folk medicine.
Extract of grape leaves (boil 1 part of grape leaves with 10 parts of water for 15 min, let it cool and filter it ) is used for gargling your throat if you have angina and for washing your body if you have skin disorders.
You should eat raisins, if you cough, have an angina, ulcers in your mouth, bladder disorders and hemorrhoids.
-Grapes and grape juice are not recommended for obesity, stomach ulcers, diabetes, colitis, diarrhea and dysentery.
-You will get an upset stomach if you eat grapes with milk, cucumbers, melon, fish, beer, mineral water and fatty meals.
-If you have tooth cavity, eating grapes or drinking grape juice will intensify your tooth destruction. Rinse your mouth every time you eat grapes.
Yulia Berry has sinced written about articles on various topics from Alternative Medicine, Cellulite and Health. Yulia Berry is a professional makeup artist. It has been her passion to collect the most interesting natural home remedies, healthy diet plans, and beauty and makeup tips from different countries. She spent a few years researching alternative cures. Yulia Berry's top article generates over 3600 views. Bookmark Yulia Berry to your Favourites.
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