Did you also know that of the major causes of death from lifestyle related disease processes, the lack of physical activity and poor diet rank second only to cigarette smoking? In fact, as a result of these lifestyle choices, conservative estimates suggest that over 40% of Americans will die from cardiovascular disease alone.
These statistics should be very alarming to you. In fact, they should be down right scary! Clearly, our lifestyles have caught up with us to the point that we're paying with our lives for the poor choices we've made over the years.
Fortunately, there is an alternative choice you can make that will greatly improve the quality of your life forever. What is that choice? Very simple... You can choose to be healthy.
For this choice of good health to be successful, however, you will need a good plan, have the necessary tools to implement your plan, and be willing to follow-through with each step of the plan.
The purpose of this article is to give you the strategies necessary in developing a healthy weight loss program. My goal is to provide you with the tools necessary to execute your healthy weight loss plan successfully. By equipping you with the essential tools for healthy weight loss plan implementation, you will have the keys to good health and a long life.
For a healthy weight loss and lifestyle enhancement program to be successful, three very specific criteria must be met:
1. The program needs to be simple to use.
2. The program needs to be medically safe and scientifically sound in its principles.
3. The program needs to be sustainable. In other words, you must be able to adapt the program into your lifestyle.
Once a program is found to have met these key fundamental criteria, the combination of the following essential health principles must represent the core values of the program:
* Essential Nutrition
* Essential Exercise
* Essential Health Habits
Extracted from these essential elements of optimal health are the specific program components that include:
* Properly combined meals of protein, carbohydrate, and healthy fats.
* 30 - 45 minutes of an individualized aerobic exercise routine 3 days per week
* Adequate water consumption for your body weight every day.
* Supplements of Vitamins A, C, E along with calcium every day.
* Adequate amount of sleep daily
* Appropriate skin care regimen for your specific skin type
By making small, but consistent changes in your health choices, you can single handedly bring about major lifestyle changes and increase your life expectancy by as many as 10 - 15 years or more, decrease your body fat to a healthy level, and eliminate unnecessary body weight. In other words, you're going to have more energy, look younger, feel stronger, look leaner, and generally feel better than you can ever remember feeling in your life.
So, what are you waiting for? Begin today!
Healthy Breakfast Weight Loss
It doesn't matter what you weigh. Height and weight charts are meaningless. What really matters is the composition of your body - how much of your body is muscle and how much is fat. An understanding of body composition is one of the ways you'll escape the gravitational pull of the diet mentality. Body composition is a much more sophisticated way to see your body. Forget the scales and the height and weight charts. Concentrate on body composition.
Body composition testing measures how lean your body is. Remember, getting lean means to enhance your lean body mass - your muscles, your bones, your organs and the fluids of your body. Body composition is the only accurate way to measure how lean you are.
We have a real challenge in this country. We live in the fattest nation on earth. The average American male is 26% body fat. The average American female is 36% body fat. Let's put that in perspective. If this average male with 26% body fat weighs 200 pounds, it means he's carrying around 52 pounds of fat. Fat is dead weight. Every pound of fat adds 7 miles to your circulatory system. Your body stores your toxins in your fat cells. The more fat you have on your body, the more toxic your body is.
Example. A person who is 50 pounds over his or her ideal body weight has a risk of cancer that is 18 times higher than the average. According to cutting edge research performed at Tufts University Medical School, the best single indicator of whether you're aging successfully is your body fat percentage. The leaner you are, the more successfully you age. You can't be too lean.
According to exercise physiology research what should your body composition be? Men should be 15% body fat or less regardless of age. Women should be 22% body fat or less regardless of age.
Fifteen percent body fat for men and 22% body fat for women will put you into good to very good health. What if you want excellent health? What if you want to be as healthy as you could possibly be? For male athletes or men who want excellent health, the range is 6 to 12% - regardless of age. For women it's 12 to 18%.
How do you measure body composition? There are various methods. Hydrostatic weighing is the gold standard of body composition testing. It's the most accurate, but not very practical. Skin fold calipers are nearly as accurate, a lot more practical, and a lot more comfortable for you.
Fat is stored in 3 different areas of our body. Subcutaneously - which is between the skin and the muscle. Intramuscularly - which is within the muscle (otherwise known as marbeling in steak). And, between your organs.
To obtain your body composition, it will be necessary to measure the thickness of your skin fold in 7 different locations on your body using a skin fold caliper. It will very accurately measure the thickness of your skin fold in millimeters. These numbers will be entered into a very complex mathematical formula that has been developed by exercise physiology research.
What will you learn? You'll learn your body fat percentage which is a relationship between the amount of fat you have compared with your lean body mass. You'll learn how many pounds of your total body weight are fat. And how many pounds are lean body mass. And you'll learn your true ideal body weight. How is that calculated? The computer will take your lean body mass (your fat free weight) and add to that the optimal amount of body fat 15% if you're a guy. 22% if you're a gal. Now you have your true ideal body weight based on your body and not some height and weight chart.
Remember, you won't always lose weight every week. But this is where the measurements really help. If you don't lose weight, but your measurements get smaller, you've gotten leaner. Research reported on ABC-TV NEWS showed that adding just 5 pounds of muscle and maintaining it for one year automatically burns 91,250 calories! And burning 91,000 calories translates to losing as much as 26 pounds!
Remember, if you gain one pound of muscle and lose one pound of fat, your weight hasn't changed, but you're leaner.
Malton A. Schexneider has sinced written about articles on various topics from Lose Weight, Lose Weight and Health. Malton Schexneider is a practicing physical therapist, nationally known speaker, former university professor, author, orthopedic specialist, & personal success coach to people seeking lifestyle transformation.For more on healthy weight loss programs go to. Malton A. Schexneider's top article generates over 49500 views. Bookmark Malton A. Schexneider to your Favourites.
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