Emotional triggers seem to set off what can feel like an almost uncontrollable eating frenzy for many of us. And as if the emotional stress and sensitivity weren't enough, the stimulus-response buttons go wild for many of us around certain events and special occasions.
What is a movie without popcorn?
A dinner date without cheesecake?
Christmas without mashed potatoes?
Disappointment, stress, upsets and tension, combined with a series of ritualistic food patterns, culminate in the creation of seemingly irresistible triggers for those of us who wrestle with emotional eating.
Let's look at the anatomy of it all.
In the beginning there was Mom.
The mother hears her crying baby and by reflex puts him to the breast. ?Comfort nursing? marks the beginning of a marvelously complex relationship between eating and emotions. The smells and security of mom are immediately enmeshed with our primary food source?whether we're hungry or not.
From the time we can grab our first teething biscuit food starts to be used as a form of compensation, reward, motivation and downright bribery.
As young children we learn that celebration means SUGAR! Birthdays, Halloween, Easter, Valentine's Day, Christmas? candy is comfort, food is festivity and this is the pattern that plays itself out year after year after year.
Is there any wonder that so many of us struggle with emotional eating?
More importantly, now that we're here trying to look and feel our best, what are we going to do about it all?
The answer to that question requires a bit of thought. You see, there are two things that take a whole lot of energy from the body in order to happen.
1. Digesting food.
2. Managing emotions.
In fact, each of these requires such significant resources that the body finds it very difficult to carry the two of these processes out simultaneously.
By eating when we're feeling sensitive emotionally, we're actually using food to physically suppress the emotions that have come up to the surface.
So, why not simply observe your emotions, instead of eating and see what happens, right?
Sounds good in theory, but this takes guts and sometimes the strength of a superhero. The truth is that when these emotional surges come pulsing through you faster than the speed of light, often times that hand is in the mouth before the brain can even catch wind of what's going on.
And that's why the following suggestions may prove very helpful to you:
1 - If you are going to eat under the effects of emotional intoxication, choose foods that are not physically addictive. Diving into a bowl of pasta or a box of donuts is a recipe for disaster. Meats, cheeses, breads or grain products and chocolate are addictive.
When you go for these foods, you're setting yourself up for a double dose of trouble. Not only have you chosen a food that is likely to leave you feeling lousy after, you've also just dumped a ridiculous amount of calories into your lap that you totally did NOT need. Now, in addition to whatever was upsetting you emotionally to begin with, you've got a hefty dose of guilt and disappointment to deal with
What are the chances that you're going to overeat on strawberries or grapes? Celery sticks?
2 - Redefine your comfort foods
Forcibly trying to resist things often only brings them upon you faster and harder, so there is no point clutching the sides of your chair, teeth chattering while you ?resist? the chocolate cake or food of all kinds.
Instead of acting out of resistance against some old pattern, take a leap toward whatever it is you're trying to achieve. Grab a bag of cherries or a bowl of sunflower sprouts see what happens. Likely you'll feel infinitely better than if you'd taken the classic ?comfort food? path.
3 - Create new celebrations and change your game
Make yourself a decadent bowl of a frozen, fruit-only dreamy creation. Snuggle in a corner on the couch somewhere where you can fully appreciate the moment. Make it special! Savor every spoonful. Watch it melt and slip around on the spoon and glide its way along your tongue. Enjoy it. Experience it.
And then, when the bowl is empty you'll be totally basking in the ecstasy of eating without having compromised the health of your body.
And the really neat part is that because you've chosen foods that are relatively easy to digest, your body will quickly process this, and while you grin from ear to ear at having successfully surmounted another obstacle in your path, you'll have plenty of energy left to deal with those emotions, too.
A genuine win-win situation.
Healthy Ways To Cook Chicken
Normal fruits such as strawberries, bananas, and peaches are no longer the only add-ins used in these power beverages. More and more health aficionados are turning to exotic or at least different fruits to make their smoothie concoctions. A hybrid of Juice blends mixed with vitamins is in major competition.
A favorite choice of fruits often used is the Mangosteen. This queen of fruits is not available for sale in the United States. This is because of the increased problems associated with the Mediterranean fruit fly infestation upon its importing. Regardless, consumers are able to get the byproduct of this fruit in juice or capsule form. Mangosteen is a tropical fruit from Indonesia. It's about the size of a small apple and contains a sweet white interior that breaks off in wedges similar to a mandarin.
Food Scientists believe it has energy, anti-swelling, anti-depressant, and cancer-fighting uses. Mangosteen investigations moving forward and there is recommendation that this tropical wonder contains many ingredients that improve wellness to say the least.
One research study shows positive fight against leukemia:
"We examined the effects of six xanthones from the pericarps of mangosteen, Garcinia mangostana, on the cell growth inhibition of human leukemia cell line HL60. All xanthones displayed growth inhibitory effects. Among them, alpha-mangosteen showed complete inhibition at 10 microM through the induction of apoptosis."(Matsumoto K, Akao Y, Kobayashi E, Ohguchi K, Ito T, Tanaka T, Iinuma M, Nozawa Y: Gifu International Institute of Biotechnology, 1-1 Naka-Fudogaoka, Kakamigahara, August 2003)
Found in India and the Pacific Islands, the fruit of the Noni tree has powerful antioxidant properties, mood-enhancing uses, and immune system enhancing properties. Another exotic fruit applied used in smoothies is the Noni. This fruit has shown promise as a free-radicals eliminator as well. This 12-times harvest comes from Southeast Asia as well. This fruit has shown promise as a free-radicals eliminator as well.
In the NCCAM Publication D298 of 2007, scientists have published a clinical study wherein Noni (Morinda Citrufolia) has demonstrated high antioxidant levels, as a result immune system enhancement, and evidence that it may battle cancerous sells. Tumors in rats have dramatically decreased in size when exposed to Noni.
The fruity surprise from western tropical areas, the Acai berry, arriving from Central and South American tropical regions is another antioxidant mix of vitamin. This berry is grape-sized and a dark reddish-blue color. The Acai Berry has high fiber content and is believed to have the capability to free the body of toxins. Investigations into this berry's content show it is also applicable for enhancing the circulatory system, promoting physical wellbeing and minimizing inflammations.
The above three fruits are possible add-ins one can use to come up with their own individually preferred recipe. These are fruits that one can use in combination with blueberries. Rich with Vitamin C and E, Blueberries are another good choice to mix in. They also contain anthocyanins and phenolics, which contain inhibiting cancer-cell properties. Blueberries help in the fight against the damaging effects of chronic diseases that come from the aging process.
Many distributors sell juice versions of these fruits ready for mixing into a smoothie vita mix. An enhanced mix of vitamins created with exotic nutrients, can enhance a diet lifestyle with health and wellness.
People that feel better about themselves are able to develop more positive thinking and action. Ultimately consequence they improve their ability to adapt and gain greater social skills. When a person feels energized, they feel they can take on the world. This leads to a better mental attitude, which can halt depression in its tracks. The dynamic body-lift arising from vita mixes enriched with antioxidant powers are motivation enough to try them out. Exotic energizing fruits aid greatly in giving people a sense of vitality that enable them to be more productive throughout their life.
Ultimately, foods with Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) rating are best to add-in with your smoothies. ORAC will help you build up your immune system and through antioxidants in these foods, berries, vegetables, or fruits; it will help you feel well. These mixes of ORAC-rich ingredients are also pretty tasty.
Both Tera Warner & Thomas Fox are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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