With gas costs at an all time high, and prices on every type of merchandise rising, it's not surprising to find that many people live paycheck to paycheck. Between house mortgages, bills that range from medical to grocery, and normal cost of living expenses, sometimes the last thing you can really spend money on is a whole new freezer and pantry full of food. It seems there is no weight loss solution in sight.
Anyone who has ever shopped for diet food knows exactly what I'm talking about. Where the normal version of the same food is reasonably priced, the diet version often costs twice as much for a smaller package. The same is true when dining out. While you can buy a burger and fries for a few bucks, it costs a great deal more to find a healthy substitute. Why isn't there a cheap weight loss solution?
Perhaps, you've found cheap weight loss solutions that don't really work. With so many so-called cheap weight loss solutions on your market, a consumer can take their pick from weight loss pill, shakes, or exercise programs. What happens if you've exhausted every solution and found that they're not working for you?
When it comes to weight loss shakes and meal bars, you know it's not the weight loss solution for you. First off, you can't stomach the taste of them. Second, you marvel at the fact that these products claim to curb your appetite. Hah! You drink the shake only to feel your stomach growling an hour later.
As for diet pills, you know deep in your heart that they are not the safest weight loss solution. Sure, you may have dropped a few pounds, but you feel anxious, jittery, and even depressed. Some days you have hot flashes, and the pills don't stop you from swinging by McDonalds for an occasional value meal, ruining your progress.
Exercise videos may not be the weight loss solution for you either. You lead a busy life juggling a full-time job, parenthood, and school activities for your kids. It's often really late by the time your day draws to a close. The last thing you want to do is drag on a pair of sweats and exercise.
If you've tried every affordable weight loss solution and still haven't found your desired results, maybe it's time to try Hoodia Gordonii. No, it's not another weight loss pill. It's an all natural, cactus-style plant that is revolutionizing the weight loss industry. This isn't another weight loss solution scam. In fact, this plant was discovered completely by accident.
In the late 1990's, the CSIR (the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) in Africa was doing a study on all the different natural foods that the Bushmen ate. Their main reason in doing this was to make sure all the foods were non-toxic. When they found Hoodia Gordonii, they began animal testing on the product to see if it was toxic.
Not only was Hoodia Gordonii non-toxic. They also found that the animals who consumed the cactus began losing weight. By 1997, one year later, the CSIR realized that the ingredient, P57 was responsible for the weight loss properties in Hoodia Gordonii.
Now, you finally have access to the weight loss solution that works... a product that allows you to eat the foods you normally want in drastically smaller quantities and not nearly as often. Since Hoodia can slice your appetite by approximately 2,000 calories a day, you'll lose interest in food, drop weight, and finally get that figure you've been dreaming of. Since you don't have to restock on totally new food choices, this doesn't have to put a dent in your budget.
High Cost Of Livin
In fact, arthritis as a huge economic ?albatross? will be a significant problem to contend with as a result of the ?increase in numbers of persons affected, rather than an increase in mean expenditures and earnings losses," according to Charles G. Helmick, M.D., at the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
He bases his conclusion on a nationwide assessment of medical expenditures and earnings losses associated with arthritis in 2003, compared with figures six years before.
The report was commissioned because of growing concerns about the economic burden of arthritis, fueled by rapidly rising medical costs due to advances in joint replacement surgery as well as to the increasing use of pricey biologic drugs.
When the price tag for these medical advances are added to the burgeoning population of aging baby boomers, an exponential increase in costs is seen.
A team of researchers derived estimates for 2003 from the Medical Expenditures Panel Survey (MEPS), a national probability sample of households. They collected medical care expenditures of adult respondents, stratified by arthritis status, and used sophisticated statistical methods to assess the growth of medical expenditures due to arthritis and related conditions. They also calculated the earnings losses of working-age adults with these disabling conditions. Then, they compared estimates for 2003 with those from 1997, inflated to 2003 terms.
The statistics are staggering...
?Between 1997 and 2003, the prevalence of arthritis and other rheumatic conditions increased from 36.8 million adults (18.7 percent of the population) to 46.1 million adults (21.5 percent of the population). And that figure is much higher now according to estimates made by the Arthritis Foundation.
? Between 1997 and 2003, expenditures for arthritis medications almost doubled. The increase in spending for prescription drugs was a result of both the mean number of prescriptions, from 18.7 to 25.2 per person, and the mean cost per prescription, from $48 to $65. During this period, inpatient (hospital) expenditures declined from $508 to $352 per person. As a result, the average total spent on medical care for an individual with arthritis remained surprisingly stable: $1,762 in 1997 and $1,752 in 2003.
? In 2003, Americans spent a total of $80.8 billion on medical care for arthritis, compared with $64.8 billion in 1997. Researchers attributed this rise to the increase in the number of persons 18 years and older with arthritis.
? In 2003, employed adults with arthritis earned an average of $3,613 less than healthy working adults between the ages of 18 and 64. Nationwide, earnings losses due to arthritis amounted to $108 billion, up from $99 billion in 1997.
Since the number of arthritis sufferers is projected to increase steadily, the economic picture is very gloomy.
Exactly how to cut medical expenses and also increase the ability of patients with arthritis to earn more income is still not clear.
Perhaps, earlier diagnosis, more aggressive and effective therapies, and more programs aimed at wellness will help.
The message is clear though. As people live longer, they will have to live healthier as well. One bright spot appears to be the renewed emphasis on better nutrition and exercise. Perhaps this will enable the brakes to be applied to this ?runaway? arthritis cost vehicle.
Both Martin Stanwyck & Nathan Wei are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Martin Stanwyck has sinced written about articles on various topics from Health, Lose Weight and Health. Martin Stanwyck is a recognized expert on weight loss. He has written several articles on the subject. Visit http://www.hoodia.info.ms to learn more about his main topic H. Martin Stanwyck's top article generates over 201000 views. Bookmark Martin Stanwyck to your Favourites.
Nathan Wei has sinced written about articles on various topics from Arthritis Pain, Health and Arthritis Signs. Nathan Wei, MD FACP FACR is a rheumatologist and Director of the Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. For more info:. Nathan Wei's top article generates over 550000 views. Bookmark Nathan Wei to your Favourites.
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