Well, Google these days changes its algorithm virtually everyday and refreshes PageRank nearly every three months. Many webmasters follow tons of SEO techniques to help improve the PageRank of their website; however, there is this simple, easy yet effective technique most of them tend to ignore. The technique is Article Spinning. Take it easy! I am not going to tell you about any Article Spinning software here. Rather, I want to tell you that there are article spinning techniques that you can follow to produce fresh and unique article content for your article marketing campaign at lightening fast speed.
Why Spun Articles, Anyways?
Well, believe it or not, Google has gone smart enough to find you are submitting similar articles across different directories. As a result, it no longer offers the similar value to every backlink you achieve from your article marketing as it recognizes most of your submitted articles as ?duplicated content?. If you are not smart enough to find a way to bypass its ?duplicate content? filter system, you are less likely to get any benefits from article marketing efforts. However, it is practically very time-consuming to write unique articles for all the article directories you have on your list. Hence, you need to spin the original articles well enough to make ward off Google's duplicate content issues.
Say NO to Article Spinning Software!
If you are truly serious about achieving unique and value-added backward links from Google, then you should stop thinking about using article spinning software. Article spinning software has lots of drawbacks which vitiate the very purpose of deploying them. To begin with, they make your articles meaningless and ugly. As a result, you fail to attract the attention of real human visitors that could otherwise be with you. Moreover, an article spinning software doesn't make your article different enough in Google's eye to be considered unique. Hence, you are bound to lose your money as well as business, and waste your critical time.
Naturally Spun Articles ? The Right Answer
There are many decent SEO copywriters and website content writers who can help you with article spinning requirements. Human writers are way better than any software when it comes to spinning articles. Professional article spinners know the technique and are experienced and competent enough to spin articles effortlessly, without tampering with the true meaning or message the original article offers. Usually, any decent article spinner can rewrite your articles at 1 cent per word or even less if you offer articles in bulk.
Article spinning is not an unethical SEO technique ? it is deployed merely to make the articles unique and for achieving higher importance from Google from SEO perspectives. Moreover, article spinning services are cheaper as compared to the prices of writing fresh, original and unique articles. However, make sure you ask your article spinning service provider to see some samples before you hire them full-time. Effectively, a SEO copywriter or website content writer with substantial experience in SEO content writing can help you deliver spun article content quickly and cheaply.
Susant has sinced written about articles on various topics from Estate Planning, SEO Search Engine Optimization and Copywriting. Susant Kumar Sahoo is the proprietor of seo-contentwriter.com, the website that provides website content writing services for online businesses. He manages a team of expert. Susant's top article generates over 2900 views. Bookmark Susant to your Favourites.
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