I recently applied for some additional life insurance. As usual, a nurse came to my home, asked me some questions, took some samples and did an EKG. I wasn't concerned because I am generally in good health. That's why I was so surprised when the life insurance company wanted to charge me twice the amount I was expecting to pay.
Come to find out, they thought I'd had a heart attack! Now I may not be the sharpest guy around, but surely I'd know if I'd had a heart attack. In order to get the rate I expected, it would now be up to me to prove that their conclusion was wrong.
Worse, the insurance company reported the test results to a little known association called the MIB. Just like a credit report affects your ability to get a loan, the MIB, or the Medical Information Bureau, is like a health report that is consulted by insurance companies. Every insurance company I apply to in the future will also think something is seriously wrong with my heart. That means I could be turned down for coverage or charged a much higher rate. What's on your health report can affect you, too.
For 100 years, the Medical Information Bureau has recorded any health problems uncovered during the underwriting process. By cross-referencing your application against their records, the MIB reduces insurance fraud and makes it easier for insurance companies to accurately assign risk and write policies. That means they can tell if you may not be telling the truth on your application.
Any time you apply for health insurance, life insurance or long term care coverage, your application is run through the MIB's database. But only 15% to 20% of applicants have an MIB record. And the MIB can't include medical records from your doctor. They only track information gleaned through your application, including results from any tests the insurance company requires. So if you go to your doctor and have your blood cholesterol checked, those results won't be sent to the MIB.
If you fail to disclose a preexisting condition on an application, a red flag will be generated, which could make it more difficult to receive coverage. Also, your MIB file may contain errors. Mine certainly does. Not only are the EKG results misleading, but they also show I have another condition, which my doctor assures me I do not have. With the help of my physicians, I'm in the process of correcting these errors. This will not only save me money on my premiums, but help me qualify for insurance in the future.
The main point is that you have to be your own advocate. It's up to you to get a copy of your health record from the MIB. Having a copy of your health report prior to applying for new insurance can also help you remember a condition you may have forgotten, especially since their records go back seven years.
You also need to correct any errors it might contain. This is a tedious process at best. Since insurance companies and agents make more money if your premium is higher, they aren't as motivated to help you correct any errors. You must take the lead. Plus, you will bear the cost of any additional tests or doctors visits that may be needed to disprove their conclusions. I've had to see three doctors and have several tests to prove I'm fine.
Fortunately for me, my heart is fine. It may still take months however for the corrections to be made that will reflect an accurate medical history.
It's worth the effort. Otherwise you could jeopardize your future chances of qualifying for insurance or may have to pay far more. For just $9, you can receive a copy of your own MIB record. You can get all the details.
Hipaa And Medical Records
Medical recordsthat pertain to asbestosis or mesothelioma must be dug up from the archives ofthe past.Without medical recordcollections and retrievals, the forewarnings of impending asbestosis and mesotheliomacome only from witnessing the sufferings of an asbestosis patient or thelanguishing death of a mesothelioma cancer patient.
Asbestosis and mesothelioma statistics are sharplyunder-estimated due to the lack of many nations to implement an efficientmedical retrieval system and properly care for and diagnose lung diseasepatients who are suffering from asbestosis or mesothelioma due to asbestosexposure.In many nations, physiciansthat are able to properly diagnose the disease are rarely, if ever,available.These same nations often havepoor record keeping systems in place to monitor health trends and examinemedical histories.Many times asbestosisand mesothelioma are simply referenced as ?lung disease,? without a properdetermination of the classification of lung disease.
Years pass before these progressive lung diseases startshowing their scarring presence, but an archive of medical history canfacilitate proper diagnosis, and national archives of medical histories canfacilitate early warnings. Despite thisknowledge, India has no cancer registry, nor does it have a system forrecording mesothelioma and asbestosis cases.In the Philippines, the Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC)reports that asbestos caused diseases will be under diagnosed due to lowemployer participation in submitting medical records to a central agency.(Less than 5% of employers do so.)
In Brazil, wherecorporations scurry to cover any implications of occupational hazards or illwill, medical records are virtually non-existent for asbestos workers.The Eternit asbestos plant in Brazil has hadasbestos workers for over 50 years, yet no medical records were ever kept priorto 1978.In China, death records are purged and permanentlyeliminated after death, leaving no source for documenting trends in deaths orcomparisons and similarities between diseases. And although China is one of the top fiveasbestos producers and users in the world, this nation continues to have aminimal amount of empirical studies on the implications of asbestos exposure.
Fortunately, in many nations, allowable exposure limitsare being reduced, inspections are being heightened, and politicians andcorporations are being pressured.Environmental groups and protection agencies continue to test asbestosmaterial and promote its eventual ban. Unfortunately, politics and corporations stillgovern irresponsible asbestos promotions, and millions of innocent people areunaware of its dangers.The lack of publicawareness has led to a deadly economic dependency on asbestos.
Asbestosis and mesothelioma deaths need to be recorded,death records need to be maintained, and medical histories of asbestos workersneed to be compiled to gain a full realization of the statistical andeconomical impact of the world's burgeoning asbestosis and mesotheliomacrisis.Asbestosis and mesotheliomarecords are useless, however, unless they are used to promote change anddevelop public awareness ? which is precisely what the mining and tradingnations are afraid of.
Both Jeffrey Voudrie & John are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Jeffrey Voudrie has sinced written about articles on various topics from Financial Planning, Investments and Health Insurance. Nationally-syndicated financial columnist and Certified Financial Planner Jeffrey Voudrie provides personal, in-depth money management services and advice to select private clients throughout the USA. He will answer your financial question FREE at. Jeffrey Voudrie's top article generates over 165000 views. Bookmark Jeffrey Voudrie to your Favourites.
John has sinced written about articles on various topics from Parenting, Swimming Pool and Baby Shower. Asbestosis-Mesothelioma website provides Asbestosis, Mesothelioma. John's top article generates over 49500 views. Bookmark John to your Favourites.
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