"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Summer is the time to invite your inner child to come out and play. Too often our lives become overtaken by our adult roles, and we lose touch with that delightful youngster inside of us. Life becomes full of routines and responsibilities, and we forget to honor the most unique and best part of ourselves - our inner spirit.
This summer, it's time for you to become your own best friend! It's time to rediscover your joy. Have fun! Be loving and kind to your self. That beautiful childlike spirit within you has been neglected and locked up for far too long. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create a special day to celebrate that wonderful being. To do that you have to reconnect with your heart's desires, awaken forgotten dreams, reignite past joys, and open the door to adventure!
Here is an easy 6 Step Plan for Celebrating Your Inner Child.
Step One- Set the Intention: Block off a day on your calendar, and inform everyone in your life that you are taking the day off and will not be available.
Step Two- Reflect and Reconnect: Spend some time becoming re-acquainted with your inner child. You may want to journal or go for a long meditational walks. Here are some questions to ask your self: When I was a child, I used to love.... I feel most happy and free when.... My energy soars when... If time and money were not an issue, I would... My heart smiles when...
Step Three- Plan the Perfect Day Now that you have gotten to know each other, imagine spending a whole day with this beautiful child. What would be the most perfect day you could have together? How would the day begin? Where would you like to go? What would you like to do just for the pure fun of it? How would the morning unfold? What would you like to do for lunch? How could you make the most of the afternoon? What would make the evening a perfect closing, for a wonderful day? Create an agenda for the most delightful way to celebrate you!
Step Four- Preparation Send out reminders that you will be unavailable for the day. Make any reservations that are necessary, fill the tank with gas, put your clothes out, and pack your day bag. Have everything ready so when you awake in the mourning, you can just walk out the door.
Step Five- Enjoy Allow the day to unfold. Be ready to drop all your plans in an instant and follow your heart's desire wherever it may lead. Embrace your inner child, be fully present in each moment, and enjoy the adventure.
Step Six- Savor the Day Before you slip back into your daily routine, take time to acknowledge and absorb all the wonderful moments of your day. Feel the happiness, the lightness, the completeness. Thank your inner child for being so patient and waiting for you. Most importantly, set a date for when you can play again. Now return to Step One.