I am uniquely qualified to give out this information not only because I was quite a successful ladies man, but because I actually made a living practicing these techniques for more than two decades!!
The awesome thing about this whole process is, you don't have to be all that great looking, funny or have loads of money.
Before I get into the details of these well guarded secrets, I would like to point out the overwhelming advantage men have these days as compared to when I was sleeping my way through the ranks.
To begin with, there's this incredible database of available women out there called the internet. Or more to the point, online dating, chat-rooms and forums. You literally, at your fingertips, have an unlimited number of guinea pigs to practice your techniques on, the likes of which old school guys like myself could never have dreamed of!
It's absolutely impossible to not get women these days, and darn near as impossible not to make a living doing so.
Now, the first and most important thing you can do to begin creating a new life for yourself is to get educated. Once again you have the advantage because unlike myself, the answers are all laid out for you right in one place. Just go to my website and learn everything you need to be successful with women!
Second, you need practice. As I mentioned, you have the internet and for just a few bucks a month you can have access to literally thousands of test subjects right at your fingertips. I would have gladly paid a thousand dollars a month or more for this database of women looking for a date… It really cannot get much easier or more convenient.
Thirdly, you need to combine what you have learned and what you have practiced into a finely tuned, well oiled routine that will consistently allow you to target, seduce and actually earn your living manipulating women to your way of thinking.
Before you get self righteous, I simply argue that women have been doing the same things since the dawn of creation. What else would you call a marriage where the wife does not work, gets an allowance and enjoys the freedom to come and go as she pleases?
What's fair for the goose is fair for the gander in my opinion! Women have been making a living seducing men for a very long time and I am certainly not against the practice. Actually, I am very much for it and the concept has served me well over the years.
Imagine not only meeting beautiful women, seducing them and having them BEG to buy you gifts, pay your bills, buy you dinner. It is so totally amazing to be abl to reverse the normal roles of men and women and benefit from it. You will be amazed as well and there really is no limit to what you can accomplish once you know my secrets!!
Come on over to my website and begin your education now. You'll have access to free articles, newsletters, dating tips and advice, plus access to the three most powerful programs in the universe to help you meet, seduce and manipulate women to your way of thinking for pleasure and profit!
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