The first step to developing profitable Joint Ventures is to identify and develop relationships with other business owners who can help you reach your target market.
Business competition has been viewed with a wary eye for far too long. The internet is a big, big place. There really is room for everybody - everybody that knows how to properly market themselves that is.
It can happen. So here are six easy tips to help you increase your website traffic through joint venturing with a competitor.
1. Co-author a two part article.
Article marketing continues to be an important activity for online business owners. Whether you are crafting articles for distribution or writing them to keep on your own site as exclusive original content, for more details visit to you do need to be writing on a regular basis.
Approach a competitor with an email like this:
I think my web visitors would be pretty interested in your products and I have an idea for us to co-promote our websites. I hope you'll be interested.
Let's come up with a topic to write a two part article about. I'll write part one and publish it on my website and I'll tell readers that they can find part two on your website. You write part two and publish it on your website, letting your readers know that part one can be found on my website.
2. Co-author a two part report.
This can be as simple as the article idea only kicking it up a notch by asking for some more cooperation from the partners. You'll work together in creating the report; giving both of you credit and links back to your websites.
Alternatively, if you wish to sell the small report you can jointly purchase a domain and set up a mini site, work on the sales letter together, for more details visit to co-sign it and split the profits. This may be a lot to chew for a young JV relationship - you don't want to start mixing money too soon.
3. Conduct an interview of each other for your lists.
If you both have an area of expertise you can put a twist on a plain old ad swap and take turns interviewing each other email interview style.
You'll send a list of questions to the other person, collect their answers and then share this email interview with your mailing list.
Now they can do the same for you. This takes the exposure trade to a great new level. Your readers will know that you really respect the person you interviewed why else would you take the time to do it? There's a lot of implied trust that will go a long ways towards encouraging list members to check out what the interviewee has to offer..
4. Give away bonus products
Let's explore some great ideas in this area. The first examples that come to mind are information products. Imagine that you and your potential JV partner are both in the weight loss field. Your competitor is releasing a new ebook about exercise. You can offer her a complimentary free special report bonus to give away with the product that is all about gentle stretching techniques.
Another example would be for physical product sellers. You sell food mixes and your JV partner sells kitchen tools. You can prepare some sample packets and send her a bundle, allowing her to give one away with each order.
5. Co-operate on an event.
Have you ever had a conversation with someone from your field and found that you love the same topics? Take that synergy and turn it into a Teleseminar or web conference.
In much the same way that you would have cooperated on an article or small report, work out an outline of content together and plan out who will cover what aspects of your topic developing a rough script.
6. Share Affiliate Programs
If you're really serious about finding ways to cooperate and partner with your competition, you have to have something that answers the "What's in it for me?" questions that you'll be getting.
If I'm going to tell my list about you I'd love to get a commission on any sales I send your way. Sure, I may do it even without the financial incentive but we are in business here right?
It definitely sweetens the pot for that first contact as well, when you can tell them that any new customers they refer to you will result in lifetime residual commissions for them.
If you don't have an affiliate program now, what's holding you back? How you can start a co-operation with your competitor?
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