Not only will your income increase but your job satisfaction will increase as well. It is so much more satisfying to be able to look at your work day and to say with total conviction that your time was well spent.
In order to understand how to get the most out of your day let's look at the three types of workers.
The first type of worker is time focused. He rates his contribution in the amount of hours he spends at work. You will often hear people speaking in this fashion describing how dedicated they are because they work 60 hours per week.
The question the time focused worker needs to ask is what exactly are they doing with that time. Studies have shown that most workers are only effective for about 20% of their working time. The other 80% includes things such as coffee breaks, conversation, browsing the internet, talking on the telephone, preparing to start, preparing to finish and all the other things that keep a person busy but aren't really productive.
The second type of worker is activity focused. They realize that they aren't being paid just to put in the hours. They will think about what tasks they are being paid to perform and they will judge their value as a worker in terms of what they actually do in the organization. When you hear this type of worker describe how hard they work they will give you a list of all the things they do in a typical day.
The question that the activity focused worker needs to ask is what outcomes are they getting from the activity. You could be the hardest worker in your organization but all the work you do may not contribute a single dollar to the bottom line profit.
Many self employed people and many managers fall into this category of worker. They genuinely believe that they are the backbone of the company because they work so hard but in fact if they resigned very little would change.
The third type of worker is the results focused worker. This worker realizes that no-one really gets paid to put in hours or even to keep busy. People get paid to produce a result. Whether you are an employee or self employed it is the results that you produce that will ultimately determine your value to the organization and therefore, sooner or later, your income level.
If you want to get the most out of your work day ask yourself what results you are being paid for. Once you are clear on your results objective then periodically throughout the day ask yourself if what you are doing at that moment is producing the results that you are paid to produce.
If the answer is "no" then stop doing that and start doing something that will produce the appropriate results.
Once you become consistently results focused the next step is to ask yourself how you can improve on the results that you have been getting. There is always room for improvement no matter how good your results are. If you develop that combination of results focus and constant improvement then you will soon discover that you are enjoying your work a lot more and that your income is going up as well.
How To Get Out Of Work
Picture this: you have a killer headache, you have a large amount of homework to do, and your house is in dire need of a cleaning. But to make matters worse, you're due into work in just a few hours. Before you rip your hair out in stress, remember that there is always an easy solution to anything in today's age of technology. In this case, this technology comes in the form of a fake doctor's note.
How To Get Out Of Work With Fake Doctor Notes
It's common to not like to work. In fact, it's completely common to dread going to work; especially on certain days. When chores and other matters start to pile up, employees start to wonder if maybe their job could be postponed temporarily so their life can be put on track again. If nothing else, the time could be used to relax and catch up on sleep that employees usually lack.
But to do so, we need a fake doctor's note. Most employers are aware that employees don't like working. In fact, almost every employer you encounter will demand both a phone call to mention you will not make it to work, and a doctor's note to show that you aren't lying. After all, why go to work on a Saturday night when all of your friends are out having fun? Employers know your pain, yet they still need your help and won't like it if you bail to go have fun with friends!
But since employers do indeed need your help, they will be among the most suspicious entities that can be found when turning in a fake doctor's note. A school, for instance, will not place too much importance on a student who has missed a day of school. On the contrary, employers will be left empty handed with the absence of an employer, and will want a clear cut explanation on why they were gone.
To help avoid this natural suspicion, fake doctor's notes will have to be flawless if they are to be used to fool employers. This means that logos, company branding, and authentic looking signatures should be used to help sway the employer's mind. In the event that you think the employer may become suspicious enough to call the number on the note, you may wish to have a friend act as a secretary for the office. Otherwise, you may create a fake answering machine message or even leave the phone off the hook to make a busy signal.
Since employers do have more suspicion involved, don't expect to get away with fake doctor's notes on a frequent basis like schools may allow. Instead, keep the fake doctor's notes at a minimum to keep the suspicion low enough to avoid the risks- such as losing your job.
Final Thoughts on Fake Doctor's Notes and Employers
Above all else, ensure that your fake doctor's note looks legit when getting out of work. This can't be stressed enough, as the risk of losing a job is very possible. Almost any employer will fire an employee that presents a fake doctor's note to the company- so be sure the plan is bullet proof.
When the plan is set and everything is in place, you can then enjoy your day off work- and finally enjoy a little rest and relaxation!
Both James Delrojo & Daniel Millions are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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