Plants need different elements from the soil to grow. If they are not present in the right amount the plants will not be as healthy or grow as they should. This is the reason plants need fertilizer, to add the missing elements (nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium). You can give your plants too much fertilizer and that will have the opposite affect you are going for.
The same species of plant that is grown indoors or outdoors will have different fertilizing needs. Plants that are grown indoors have a will not need as much fertilizer as the ones grown outside. The rate of growth is slower indoors and you can harm your plant by over-fertilizing it.
How do you know how much fertilizer to give to your plants and when to feed it to them? If you have purchased a plant meant for the indoors chances are the information tag it comes with will give fertilizing instructions. But a better method to follow is observing your plant for any signs that would indicate it is lacking nutrients.
Your plant might need fertilizer if it is not growing as fast as it should. If you notice the growth of the plant is stunted and it is spring or summer you can safely add fertilizer in small amounts over a period of one to two weeks. Many indoor gardeners will add fertilizer as part of routine maintenance each spring and that is fine too. Just be careful not too over-fertilize. Some signs that you have added to much fertilizer are the tip of the leaves are turning brown or the leaves are drooping downwards.
All fertilizers are not made the same; they are available in different ratios of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Purchase a fertilizer meant for indoor plants or one that is made for a specific type of plant.
How To Grow Indoor Plants
For many years, people have been using plants to brighten up a dull area of their home or to fill an empty corner. There are many varieties of plants that are suitable as indoor specimens. The best of these are those with a small to medium growth habit. It is a good idea to purchase an indoor plant guide book if you are serious about growing healthy plants indoors.
Some Details For Indoor Gardeners
This indoor plant guide will be helpful in many ways regarding the care of your plants. The most important of these tips are the maintenance of appropriate humidity levels for your choice of plant, the best plants for your conditions and how to best provide light for them. These guides will also often provide you with excellent ideas regarding the display of your plants on stands and trays.
A good guide will also give you information regarding any minor health problems such as curling or yellowing leaves or wilting. Better guides may also advise as to more unusual problems as well as the common ones.
Most indoor plants originated from the tropical regions of the world and as such have particular needs, including pruning and fertilizing requirements. The Kentia Palm or howea fosteriana for instance is a desert tropical plant but is somewhat choosy on the kind of soil where it can grow well. A good guide will give you the necessary information on these points as well as the amount and type of soil that a particular specimen needs to remain healthy.
Many people prefer to speak to an experienced gardener or botanist when it comes to the problems they may have with their plants, rather than just reading a book or magazine article. These same articles and books may not have the required information and being able to talk with a "real" person or bring a sample of the plant is often an advantage.
There are however people for whom a guide book is sufficient as they are better able to learn independently how to take care of their plants. A guide is a handy tool to use when selecting the correct plant for your requirements and as a reference regarding the expectations of growth and needs of the plant.
Both Jonathan Sinagra & Thomas Fryd are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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