These are some guidance on how to clean the Dynel blankets, cotton quilts or large comforters and eiderdowns. Sheets are easier to handle. But with proper guidance it will give you some idea on better way to do it. Closets can become a problem if we don't clean them. This guidance will help you through.
DYNEL BLANKETS can also be washed by this method but they can stand hot water. Don't make it over 170? F., however, which is hotter than the hands can stand. Like Orion, only the bindings need pressing. Dynel also is unappetizing to moths.
COTTON QUILTS, though heavy to handle, can be washed at home like sheets, if they are colorfast and well stitched. Hang them straight on a tight line and they will not need to be ironed. If you send them to a laundry be sure to mark them for special handling, otherwise they may come back badly faded.
LARGE COMFORTERS AND EIDERDOWNS should be dry cleaned and not washed. They mat and bunch up and are too heavy to handle. A small crib comforter containing a good grade of wool, well stitched, and made with a washable covering, can sometimes be washed safely, but test a corner first to see how it goes. If you decide to wash it make a good thick suds with lukewarm water and an unbuilt synthetic detergent. Immerse the comforter in it and soak-wash it as described for woolen blankets but do it by hand. Fold it loosely to extract the rinse water and hang it straight on a line in the shade. It will not need ironing. Wash crib comforters stuffed with fiberglass the same way. Be especially careful not to rub or twist them.
SHEETS folded hem to hem and hung straight to dry can be smoothed, folded, and used without ironing. This saves work and leaves the sheets with a clean outdoor fragrance. If you like them ironed, fold them in quarters or eighths for easy management Some women just touch up the hems.
WASHABLE BEDSPREADS can be handled like sheets. Fluff out chenilles as they dry. Comb out fringe while it is still wet Stretch crocheted spreads gently to the proper dimensions as they dry.
CLOSETS should be given a complete overhauling at least twice a year. Take all suits and clothes out and if you can, air them outdoors. Remove hats, shoes, and other apparel from shelves and racks and give the closet a complete cleaning. If you wish, follow this with a mothproofing spray. Put fresh paper on the shelves and sort your gear as you replace it with a rummage sale in mind as you review those things that you never wear.
SPACE SAVERS. There are all sorts of attractive boxes and space savers available in department stores to help you make the most of your coat and clothes closets so, especially if your quarters are cramped, you might want to investigate them. Pretty accessories are an inspiration to neatness.
During this thorough cleaning business you will doubtless want to clean out and straighten chest and bureau drawers and the shelves of your linen closet Surprising, isn't it, the things that get into a linen closet? Old radio parts, stuffed toy animals, outgrown clothes that you have meant to give away. Now is the time to get rid of them and put everything to rights.
Dynel blankets can be washed, while cotton quilts can be washed like sheets and doesn't need ironing. Large comforters and eiderdowns should not be washed, only dry-cleaned. Hung the sheets and bedspreads when you dry them; it can be used without ironing. At least clean the closets twice a year and spray with mothproofing spray. Use the space savers to keep the things, which you are rarely use from your closets.
Cooking Boneless Pork Ribs To cook frozen ribs, remove from freezer and let thaw for two hours. Wrapped foil, and put in an oven at 220 for 45 minutes, they are almost as good as hot off the grill! Dont forget the sauce!