The vitamin crisis has been looming large on the horizon since the turn of the twentieth century, and now, a century later, practically everyone is affected by vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Studies show that most diseases are caused by unhealthy diet and unhealthy life style. Chronic diseases have reached epidemic proportions. About 95% of people over 40 will suffer are likely to be afflicted with diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, vision loss by the time they reach retirement.
For nearly a century the medical community ridiculed the nutrition "fanatics" when they mentioned the importance of vitamins and minerals as a basis of our vital health. Then, the June 19, 2002 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association announced that vitamin deficiency was the main cause of disease, especially in the elderly.
For decades the medical community poo-poo'd the nutrition "fanatics" when they mentioned the importance of vitamins and minerals as a basis of our vital health. In the June 19, 2002 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association they announced: "Suboptimal intake of vitamins should be seen as a risk factor for chronic disease, especially in the elderly."
The basic truth is that plants are the only source of all vitamins and minerals for every living creature, directly or indirectly from the food-chain - from an animal or fish that eats plants. Plants create body-ready vitamins and minerals from nutrients in the soil. The richer the soil, the more vitamins and minerals are packed into the plants. On the other hand, vegetables grown in poor soil will have far lower levels of vitamins and minerals.
The soils are becoming sand; they are depleting at a very rapid rate. Now, you can boast of getting seasonal and out-of-season fruits and vegetables throughout the year, but there is hardly any food value left in them. The reason is simple; the commercial growers keep using the same fields year after year, and the soils keep losing their rich nutrients. And, as soils deplete, so does the vitamin and mineral content of the vegetables grown in that soil.
To make up for this depletion, the chemical fertilizers were invented, which has increased the need for vitamins and minerals to counter the effect of these chemicals that we absorb through vegetables grown with them. Our body needs even more vitamins to deactivate these toxins. The vegetables cultivated today are less nutritious than those hundred years back. On top of it we need more of these vegetables. The effect is therefore twofold.
Genetic engineers have created vegetables that are more disease resistant, that grow faster, are more visually attractive, and are easier to harvest. For example: a new tomato was developed for growers primarily to take a 5-mile-per-hour impact from the faster picking machines. Tough skin tomatoes - you've probably had some. Nothing is being done to increase the nutrient levels of the plants - or to enrich the soil.
To make matters worse, most fruits and vegetables are picked before they're ripe, and treated chemically to get them to the grocer's shelf as soon as possible. While this gives the produce a much longer shelf life, it depletes most of the nutrients because fruits picked at their ripe peak contain maximum nutrients. But, ripe fruits spoil quickly and are quite unprofitable for the grower and the grocer.
Wherever you have a choice, look for organically grown produce at your grocery store or health food store. They will be much tastier and will contain the much higher levels of nutrients, even though they will be more expensive. They will have the flavour of vegetables of a century ago that belonged to the pre-chemicals era of farming.
Alternatively, you can grow some of your own produce - in a yard garden, patio pots, or inside the home in window pots. You will love the activity, and it is very easy, decorative, puts oxygen in the air. The taste and nutrition is just tons better than the produce you buy in stores.
Regardless of how perfect our diet is, you will still need to supplement it with vitamins today. You will need at least 3 large tablets or six medium size tablets every day. Less than that is virtually ineffective. Make sure you buy good quality vitamin supplements at most reputable vitamin or health food stores or buy online.
Finally, you must know that no matter how perfect your diet is you still need vitamin supplements. And, you need to take 3 large tablets or six medium size tablets every day minimum. You'll find the best vitamins online at the best price. You must buy good quality vitamin supplements at most reputable vitamin or health food stores. You can get the best deals in term of quality and price online. For those who are making their retirement program, it is recommended that they invest in vitamin supplements, which are, by far, the cheapest health insurance and wisest retirement plan they can think of.
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