The key to success is knowledge. What you don't know can hurt you, especially when you want to get professional. The difference between a professional and a mediocre is in their inclination to learn more. One tip can change your game forever.
History has shown us several players who started off as a mediocre only to go on to become the most professional and efficient performers in the long run. These are players who learn from experience, their own and that of their seniors. They are also great students of the game.
Always be willing to be a student, learn new techniques and tips. Try everything once and see what works for you. You will be surprised at how one technique or tip can help you improve your game immensely. In this article you will find a few techniques which you can employ to improve your hitting prowess.
Work On Your Physique
This can't be emphasized more. Softball bats are the equipment, you are the driver. Without skills you are nowhere and without a strong physique no skill can ever be implemented in a game.
Your arms are critical as a hitter. The best hitters known to us are the ones who have strong arms. You don't need to be bulky but you need to have muscles around the arm region. If you lack muscles, it time for weight training.
Weight training including squats, bench presses and curls are the best exercise for building arm muscles. The concept of weight training is to lift weights which seem difficult for your present strength. It is painful initially but that's because your muscles are weak. Progressively increase you weights, it is a sign of how your muscles are growing strong and adapting to higher weights.
Get Yourself A Lighter Bat
Most players make the mistake of using a bat which hampers their bat speed. Softball bats come in a variety of sizes and weights, you need to pick one which is just right for you.
The goal is to generate as much bat speed as you can. More often than not bat speed alone is enough to send a ball spinning to all ends of the ground. Once you have worked on your physique and have strong arms, you will generate power automatically. Gym is for power and light softball bats help your bat speed.
Light is a relative term. Depending on your arm strength and physique a certain bat might be heavy for you, while your friend who is bulkier would find it light. So you are the best judge of what is light for you.
The best test to apply is to measure you bat speed while you hit a ball. Don't measure you bat speed while hitting air, that does not help. You will be surprised at that amount of bat speed you will lose as soon as you hit a ball. The true measure of a bat speed is the amount of speed left in the bat after hitting the ball. It should only drop by a few mph.
Let's say your bat speed is 90 mph, when you hit a ball if it drops to 50 mph on the follow through, then the bat is too heavy for you. With a lighter bat you can maintain a speed of 70 mph after you hit the ball. Once you achieve this speed you will have improved on your hitting prowess by several folds. Check it out yourself.
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