Scrapbooking your child's adoption story is a wonderful way to get it down in a book for him or her to be able to share with you for years to come. As a busy mom, however, too often our good intentions turn into an overflowing box of memory items that get stuck in the closet, waiting for the day when we can sit down an concentrate without a little voice interrupting our thoughts. We so want to do the perfect album, it often becomes a task larger than we can take on.
Don't put off your child's baby book any longer. It's important that you finish it up before they leave for college!
Here are a few tips to assist you in your child's adoption scrapbook album (or as some call it, a lifebook.)
[1] Write down your precious memories because, believe or not, soon the new ones will overlap some of those early ones. Journal about both the little things like what your typical morning schedule is to what some of your deepest emotions are about being a parent.
[2] Share what you know that is appropriate for little ears. Maybe you were able to spend time with your child's birth mother, or maybe you don't have any information about her at all. Share what you know, but make sure that it is some something you will feel reading to your 5-year-old. If your child's birth mom has 6 children and kept the rest of them, or your child was the result of an abusive environment, don't write this down!
[3] Layout the photos you want to use. You don't have to use all of them, just the ones that are most important. Are you arranging the book chronologically? Make sure everything is in order.
[4] Think about what size of album to you'd like. They are typically 8" x 8", 12" x 12" or 8.5" x 11". The 8" x 8" albums are an advantageous size for because little hands can easily hold the book and flip through the pages.
[5] Try to find whatever supplies you'd like to use. I had a hard time being able to find anything other than a couple of stickers that mentioned adoption. Frustrated with this, I designed my own 8" x 8" overlay transparencies. Overlays are great because they make your book look like it was done by a professional, they is no glue or tape needed and anyone can use them (no skill required)
[6] Keep it easy. Don't try to put every thought you have in the book. You want to be able to share it with your child so consider her attention span too. You can always add more pages later and your child may ask questions while reading it that you want to answer in the book. You may also think of other things that could be represented. For example, if you adopted your child from a foreign country, you may see the value in adding a page about that country.
[7] Poems and quotes are nice to add to pages. If you lack information about your child's early months or are just overwhelmed by journaling your thoughts, include a few adoption quotes. But don't rely on them completely. Poetry is beautiful, but your own personal thoughts will be most precious to your child years down the road.
[8] Use kid-friendly language. Be aware that you don't want to write, "Your birth mom loved you so much she gave you to us." This could scare your child into believing that pretty soon you will love him too much and give you away too. Keep the wording simple: "Miss Clara wanted you to have both a mommy and a daddy and she knew that we were really excited to be your parents."
Too often we delay starting a book because we get have big plans to create that masterpiece of a baby album. We want it to have scrapbook pages for every bath, haircut, smile and tear. Rather than waiting until you can do it all just get the adoption story into a small book. Later you can add pages if you want. Remember, the sooner it's ready for your child, the more time of their childhood they will treasure it.
Lisa Copen has sinced written about articles on various topics from Wellness, Parental Care and Video Games. The Adoption Scrapbook Album is a quick, easy way to design a professional lifebook. Use transparency overlays and friends will rave--even though you aren't crafty. Lisa Copen's top article generates over 27100 views. Bookmark Lisa Copen to your Favourites.
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