Some people are willing to buy ready-made web sites, that everyone else is already using, purchase or look for free ebooks to promote, and put affiliate links on their website to sell someone else's products. But if you really want to make money on the internet, try selling ebooks of your own.
I discovered this very fact out for myself. Much like many other entrepreneurs on the internet, I was moving along ok and making a few bucks here and there, but I certainly was not making the BIG bucks.
And that is when I realized what all of the top internet marketers were doing!
If you pay attention closely to some of the top internet marketers, you will notice that they all have their own products and ebooks to promote. i.e. They are all selling ebooks that belong to them.
There is no secret to their success. They were willing to put in the time to create fresh and enticing products.
There are way too many websites and ebooks on the internet that have created duplicate content that is just written using different wording. Unfortunately, most internet surfers can identify the same content that has been slightly altered. But if you can create something new, something that nobody else has touched on, or give a subject a different slant, you can have success.
It's not wrong to take an idea that has already been thought of and then go in a different direction with that idea. In fact, this can give people a different view of the topic. But the important thing is that you include new information and fresh tips and techniques on how to do something. If you can do this, you will sell ebooks that can bring you in a very tasty second (or even main) income.
Once you have ebooks and info products of your own, you can open up a whole new world of internet marketing. These are then your own ideas that you can promote meaning nobody else has approached them in just the same way. There are not hundreds of other people already approaching the idea in the same way as you are. But eventually there could be hundreds of other people promoting and selling YOUR ebook.
It is a completely different story once you have people promoting and selling ebooks for you because you are getting the credit.
Selling ebooks that are not yours can be difficult because you are selling other people's ideas. It certainly is not easy coming up with fresh ideas and creating an ebook, but it is far more rewarding and much easier to sell.
So the real secret behind selling ebooks is to write your own ebook first. While it can be difficult creating your own ebook, (unless you have a good teacher), it can be even more difficult to sell someone else's.
Save yourself the hassle and get far more recognition by writing and selling your own ebook.
Articles On Emotional Intelligence A person who is able to practice the issues mentioned in this article, would have true understanding of happiness and content