There are at least a dozen multilevel marketing strategies out there today. Every company has one or two that they rely on to make the bulk of their sales. carboncopypro is a wealth creation strategy that will ensure that all inquiries come from qualified investors who are ready to take the next step.
If you are not interested in spending your days cold calling and scrambling for a sale then carboncopypro is the wealth building system for you. You will not have to go through the embarrassing rejection of trying to sell a business to someone who is totally disinterested. This system creates personal wealth with very little effort.
CarbonCopyPro is so effective because it is designed as a funnel system. As a CarbonCopyPro rep you will have a website that you will use to generate leads. When a person becomes interested in this opportunity through your website they will be prompted to fill out an application and pay $49. After that they are committed to the company because they have invested some money in learning about the opportunity.
They will then come to you and you will help them enroll in the main company, Wealth Masters International. They will pay $1500 for their start up fees in the company. They will then be given a website that they will market and use to bring in new qualified leads. When they make a sale you will get a commission from that sale as well.
There is very little work that must go into this business besides marketing your website. If you are afraid you don't know how to effectively market a website in order to make the system work you must know that there are tons of marketing tutorials available that will help you make you business a success.
If you are ready to change your life and to create wealth with this proven system you can check out You will follow the steps to get started and be on your way to earning a six figure income in no time at all. You deserve personal prosperity, get started today and live your dream tomorrow.
How To Marketing Strategy
I want to share with you a very valuable marketing lesson today -- The "Reason Why" strategy.
This is part of the reason why 100 packages of my newly released product, "Publishing Business Secrets" DVD Course was sold out 2 months ago.
Actually, we sold 73 copies in less than 18 hours from 722 visitors visiting the webpage.
The product was sold at $397 per package at the pre-launch price. So, that's an average of US $40.14 per website visitor.
Do you want to know why it converts so well?
The "Reason Why" strategy was one of the main reasons.
A "Reason Why" strategy basically communicates with your prospects the "reason" why they need to order it today without any delay.
In a nutshell, you need to give a 'reason' why your prospect should buy from you today.
It sounds very simple but the strategy is waaaaay more powerful than the simplicity of it.
Because the strategy taps into one of human's most powerful decision makers -- the emotion.
Create urgency in your offer.
The best 'reason' to use in this strategy is to create a limited offer. Limited offers can be:
* Price will increase
* Get extra bonus products
* limited stock
* special payment plan
* etc
But please don't use poor 'reasons' for this strategy. I've seen some marketers using the reason of running out of 'seats' when they're selling tele-seminars. This strategy is fine if you're sincerely wanting 50 people to attend your call only. But if you're trying to pack it with as many participants as possible, don't use this 'reason'.
In my personal opinion, that's not a good "reason why" strategy. Would you believe that it's not possible to increase the lines for more participants if you have a lot prospects who want to get on your call?
Maybe that's true. Who knows, maybe they really cannot extend more lines.
If the tele-conference call company can't do that, you might consider using one that can because it's just pure, bad business sense to reject participants that wants to attend your tele-seminars!
But if you're selling a real live seminar, it's ok to use the 'reason' of limited seats because your venue might be able to allocate a certain number of people only. And also, you want to make sure that the crowd's not too big so that you have it in control.
Or the 'reason' that the product will be sold out when you're selling an ebook. Now, that's another weird 'reason'. An ebook is an ebook. You cannot 'sold out' because it's unlimited. It's electron.
It can be 'sold out' if you said that you want to sell 100 copies only because you do not want to share the content with the world. That 'reason' is fine but MAKE SURE you keep your words or it'll backfire.
I've seen marketers who sold limited copies of ebooks with great success. The 'Reason Why"?
Never to sell it to the public again.
When you're using the "reason why" strategy, it has to be valid. Logical. Make sense.
In my recent promotion by using the "reason why" strategy, I've stressed that we have limited quantities.
Obviously the 'reason' is valid because we have only produced 100 copies to 'test' the market and also, to get feedbacks. And it's the truth that after the 100 copies are sold, I've stop selling it because I don't have any more copies to sell.
Remember, a customer's decision to buy is influenced by the emotion and justified by the logic mind.
Have a good 'reason' why your prospect should buy from YOU -- And buy from you TODAY.
Both Kirk Jeppi & Patric Chan are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Kirk Jeppi has sinced written about articles on various topics from Make Money Online, Marketing Strategies and Internet Marketing. Kirk Jeppi, a successful entrepreneur after years of marketing testing has come up with a revolutionary system that is proven to be the most powerful marketing system in direct selling. Just log onto the website. Kirk Jeppi's top article generates over 2900 views. Bookmark Kirk Jeppi to your Favourites.
Patric Chan has sinced written about articles on various topics from Make Money Online, Destinations and Marketing Strategies. Patric Chan is an internet infopreneur, international speaker and author. His "Chan Do" Internet Success System Training Program is a step-by-step guide for any ordinary person to start a profitable online business easily. go to. Patric Chan's top article generates over 2900 views. Bookmark Patric Chan to your Favourites.
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