My suggestion for the first scrapbook is to keep track of your baby's age and sort the photos according to age.
Your title page could be "The First Twelve Months". If you create just 2 pages for each month, your scrapbook will have 24 pages of photos plus all the other pages you add.
At the beginning of the album you might want to record some birth information, such as height and weight, name of hospital, name of delivering doctor and date and time of birth. It's also neat to write how you came to choose the baby's name. Was the baby named after someone? If so, include a photo of that person.
During those twelve months if you take a photo of the child in the same spot each month, you'll really be able to see the growth. For example, if the child has a large stuffed animal, put the animal next to the child for each photo. You'll be amazed at how apparent the child's growth is.
Something I think is fun is to capture news stories that happened that first month. You can clip headline articles out of the newspaper and copy them onto acid free paper. Capture both local news and world news of what's happening the day they are brought into this world.
Create a basic family tree for your baby album. If you have photos of you and your spouse, both sets of parents and both sets of grandparents, that is an awesome beginning for your child's scrapbook.
My kids had to visit the doctor quite often in the beginning. This tapered off as they got older. I always saved the sheets the doctor gave us which recorded their height and weight.
Capture the "firsts". Take photos of the first time eating food, first time sitting up and first time taking a bath. Take photos of holidays and celebrations through out the year.
You'll find tons of scrapbook supplies available for a baby album, including paper, stickers, diecuts, cutouts and embellishments. You can have so much fun in creating your baby's first album.
Audrey Okaneko has sinced written about articles on various topics from Ideas for Scrapbooking, Bridal Shower and Ideas for Scrapbooking. Audrey Okaneko has been scrapbooking for several years. She can be reached at or visited at Audrey Okaneko's top article generates over 9900 views. Bookmark Audrey Okaneko to your Favourites.
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