The cell phone as we know it is changing our lives every day. Almost all small and big businesses require for their employees to own or have a cell phone to get in contact with other people as well as the need for cell phones to have a regular work day. This is why knowing about cell phones will pay off when you go to find one and get a plan. Locating your best cell phone plan is what you need to look for it will be the most important choice you make when getting a cell phone.
Think about whether you want a prepaid phone or a regular plan with your cell phone. When you have a prepaid phone you can only use the minutes you will have on your phone. Most of these phone plans come with a free phone. The only thing that is con about it is that you won't be able to use your phone when it runs out of minutes until you buy more. This is why buying a cell phone and getting a contract with a company is the easiest way to go. If you spend 40 to 50$ a month on minutes I am pretty sure you can get a fairly good plan from ATT for that much or just less per month. There are all kinds of plans out there that are way better than getting a prepaid phone. You won't have to worry about the minutes going out while you're talking.
Many cell phone companies have a family or share plan. When you have a plan like this you can have I think up to four or five people on the plan something like that. You will only be billed a certain amount each month and good plans start at like $60 for a share plan. This is easier than getting an individual plan for each kid in the family.
Cell phone plans are better than prepaid because you wont ever run out of minutes and you also will have rollover sometime like if you take a trip outside the united states and you don't use those 1000 minutes you have for the month and you are gone for 2 months you will have 2000 minutes when you come back because you haven't used your phone.
I think of prepaid phones only as an emergency to get in contact with someone. I think they should just be used when traveling.
The statements stated above are true and a plan is going to be better I price and for talking. You won't have to worry about losing minutes when talking on the phone and won't have to worry about dropped calls either.
How To Start A Cell Phone Business
Using the phone, for sales and marketing purposes, has long been a daunting experience for many people. But the phone is a very powerful tool for your business and, used right, it can be a highly cost-effective and productive way of getting business, and increasing your income!
* Key 1: Learn to get comfortable using the phone by simply making calls:
Many 'teachings' about using the phone pamper to people's anxieties over picking up the phone, but in my experience the best way to overcome any nerves or apprehension is simply this - get on the phone and simply start speaking to people!
The sooner you start talking with people, the sooner you will realize that the phone is not the monster you thought it would be.
Just start making calls. What's the worst that can happen? Someone says 'no' to what you are offering them. Yep, hearing 'no thanks' is the worse that can happen!
With each call you make, you will find your nerves ebb away, and you will get stronger and more confident on the phone. Try it and you'll see what I mean. The more you use the phone, the more confident you will get.
I agree not the most profound solution but certainly one of the quickest to get you positive results, both by overcoming your nerves and for getting results that increase your business.
* Key 2: Always open your calls with a Time Qualifier:
There is nothing worse than when you are in the middle of something, your phone rings, you answer, and someone starts hosing you down with what they're trying to market to you. Your attention is weak, your patience thin, and often your sense of humour for being interrupted has long left the room!
You certainly don't want the same result when you call someone. So, the easiest way to avoid this is to qualify the time you're calling by using a simple opening phrase along the lines of:
'Hi John, ______ here. Have you got 10 minutes now?' or 'Hi John, ______ here. Is this a good time to run something past you for 10 minutes?'
By doing this, you extend respect that they might be in the middle of something and in doing, allow them to tell you its not really a good time. You also have prepped them with the fact that you only need 10 minutes of their time. And, if they say 'it's a bit difficult right now', you haven't wasted your time talking to someone whose attention is elsewhere.
* Key 3: Build in a Disclaimer:
How do you feel when someone says 'I've got something that is JUST RIGHT for you'? I bet you immediately think to yourself how do they know its right for me; I'll be the judge of that; it probably isn't right for me, and so on. Well that's how the people you speak to on the phone will react when you try to market to them in a presumed way. So disarm them straight away with a simple change of phrase:
'John, I'm not sure if what I want to share with you is for you or not, only you can decide but I did think that if it wasn't for you, then you then may know someone who would be interested?'. By suggesting it may or may not be for them offers them what is known as a 'disclaimer'. In doing this several positive things has happened: A) Firstly, by saying I'm not sure it's for you has put the person you are talking to at ease because they then don't think they're on the spot to 'buy' whatever you are marketing or selling.
B) Secondly, it gets the person you're talking to thinking quietly to them self 'why isn't it for me? It might be; I'll be the judge to decide if its for me'. In other words it turns their mental posture from 'I don't want it' to 'I might want it'.
C) By saying 'you might know someone who would be interested' you are in effect using the '3rd party approach' (we'll talk more about this in future issues of Marketing Pro Info). If the person you're talking to then really isn't interested, he can see a way out for himself by simply saying 'it's not for me but Bob might be interested'.
D) You potentially could pick up two customers - the person you called and a referral.
Hope you found these ideas useful. There are many other 'keys' to using the powerful tool of the telephone for effective marketing, which I will share with you in future articles.
Both Gregg Hall & Steve Mitchell are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Gregg Hall has sinced written about articles on various topics from Lingerie, Desserts and Mortgage. Gregg Hall is an author living with his beautiful wife and family in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about cell phones as well as cell phone accessories at. Gregg Hall's top article generates over 3350000 views. Bookmark Gregg Hall to your Favourites.
Steve Mitchell has sinced written about articles on various topics from Internet Marketing, Culture and Society and Home Based Business. Learn proven ways to significantly increase your income from one of Europe's leading home-business income experts. Steve Mitchell has helped literally t. Steve Mitchell's top article generates over 49500 views. Bookmark Steve Mitchell to your Favourites.
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