Here are some natural remedies that would help to prevent hair lose and promote hair growth:
1. Soak fenugreek in a pot of tepid water throughout the night. Massage the liquid into the scalp and wrap with a cap for 3 hours. Repeat everyday for 1 month.
2. An hour before bed time, slice open of clove of garlic and rub it on the hairless area. One hour later massage the scalp with oliver oil, put on a cap and go to bed.
3. Mix 1/2 cup of onion juice and 1 spoon honey. Massage the scalp with the mixture every day.
4. Rub your scalp with sesame oil every night,then cover your head with a cap and go to bed. Next morning, wash with shampoo than rise it mixture of apple cider vinegar and water.
5. Before you go to bed, take a half raw onion and massage the scalp with it then wrap you scalp with a cap. Next morning, wash your scalp with shampoo and rinse it with mixture of apple cider vinegar and warm water.
6. Massage corn oil into your scalp then wrap a warm and wet cloth around your head and leave it for 1 hour before washing it with shampoo and rinsing it with mixture of apple cider and tepid water.
There are many natural remedies mixtures that prevent hair lose and promote hair growth. If you need more information of this subject, please visit:
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