The first thing to do is to get anti-spam software installed on your computer this does help alot and can prevent you from receiving the hundreds of spam emails you don't want. Most email accounts now have anti-spam software included but there are some when this is not an option, you just have to press the Junk button when you receive junk emails this does reduce them but no where as much as other email account operators. An account like AOL has anti-spam software on your email account so when and if you do receive spam emails they go directly into the Spam box. This is a good thing but you do have to check if frequently as some emails that aren't spam do make there way into the spam box, the easy thing to do it click on the email and click on the button Not Spam, this tells AOL that it isn't spam and from then onwards that email address will turn up in your email inbox not your spam box. This is called email filtering and accounts like Hotmail, Yahoo and Google all use this kind of software to help their users get the most out of their email account.
Microsoft Outlook 2003 and 2007 have an automatic spam protection which catches spam and places into a junk email box, this sometimes can catch regular emails too but it defiantly helps you would just need to check the spam box.
Other ways to help you stop unwanted spam getting into your email account inbox is to choose a long email address which is a combination of letters and numbers with punctuation marks. Don't click on links on spam emails as this will allow more spam to affect you, as well as don't open spam attachments, don't reply to spam emails, only give your main email address to your friends and family and don't post it on your own website or on internet directories, don't buy products, services or donate to charity via spam emails if more people take this action the less spammers will send, if you use a spam filter report spam that gets to your inbox so the filter can block it as spam next time one is sent and finally if you do have junk spam folders check them regularly as some regular email may get through.
If you take the precautions shown above you have a very good chance of reducing the spam reaching your regular inbox, the more people who do this and everyone doesn't respond to the spam emails, links and attachments the more likely spammers are to stop sending these spam emails. We all need to fight spam today!!!
How To Stop Spam Emails
Spam is an unnecessary evil that bugs anyone with a computer. Yet there are many ways available today by which you can avoid being “bugged” by spam, which has the potential to completely destroy your data and your computer. The oft-used methods are filters, blockers and other programs which almost all e mail service provider can offer. You may now go for another very innovative way to avoid spam. It is called “disposable e mails”.
The basic methodology by which these disposable e mail addresses work, is that after it receives a certain amount of spam messages, it automatically destructs itself. It might set you wondering whether this means that you have to keep on changing your e mail addresses all the time. This is where the disposable e mail address add value. After you opt for a disposable e mail address, you are given one with a specific user name. your address depends on the user name.
You will then give your e mail service provider some keywords, which enables the provider to send you mails only from those sources you approve of. These keywords are based on their names or whatever you choose. So when you give your e mail address to someone from whom you like to receive mails, it will contain those keywords in the address, so as to allow them to enter your inbox. All other mails reach your other e mail address which goes through constant change for you to view them. If you ignore them for some time, they get automatically deleted.
This unique e mail , though keeps on changing, you can access it through your user name and password. By using this tool, you can always ignore the spams and not worry about them again. Of all the methods available, which wages a war against spam, this happens to be my favorite. This service of course dos not come free but it costs the same amount of money s you would be spending for your paid e mail services from the ISP. Since it saves you the worry of constantly worrying whether your computer is gong to crash because of spam, and you don't have to spend endless hours sifting through the junk mail, I feel this is a cost worth incurring.
Both Jene Pedder & Jeff Clark are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Jene Pedder has sinced written about articles on various topics from Hair Styles, Legal Matters and Finances. Jene is the Webmaster of MySpamBin a leading UK Seller of Anti-Spam Software. This article is free to republish provided this resource box remains intact!. Jene Pedder's top article generates over 18100 views. Bookmark Jene Pedder to your Favourites.
Jeff Clark has sinced written about articles on various topics from Spyware, Computers and The Internet and Parenting. Jeff Clark is a staff writer at Technology Digest and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including. Jeff Clark's top article generates over 1900 views. Bookmark Jeff Clark to your Favourites.
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