A short fitness break of three to four minutes can get the blood pumping again, relieve boredom, reduce tension and increase your students' level of alertness. The result will be better learning by students and a better teaching experience for you. While it is not time spent on-task, it will make your students more able to learn, so it is definitely worthwhile.
Some of the best energy breaks are performed to music, using on-the-spot aerobics movements designed to move the limbs and get the blood flowing. Be sure to have a tape full of 3-4 minute songs suitable for such a routine.
A good tempo for such songs is 20-24 beats in a 10-second time span. The exercises you select should be appropriate for a teacher and studens wearing typical classroom clothing.
This is also a good opportunity to introduce exercises your students can use once they are in the work world and stuck at a desk all day. Such exercises include wrist rotations, shoulder shrugs, heel lifts, neck movements and the soldier press, all of which can be performed while seated.
Here are some sample movements you could use in your routine:
1. High knee marching.
2. Jogging lightly on the spot.
3. Race walking on the spot.
4. Arm rotations, forward and back.
5. Skip rope movements and variations such as crossovers, and backwards arm rotations.
6. Swimming movements with the arms, mimicking different strokes.
7. Throwing movements.
8. Jump shot movements.
9. Various dance step variations: sideways steps, forward steps, backwards steps, etc.
10. Touching various body parts: head, shoulders, hips, knees, shins, toes (i.e. playing Simon Says while marching).
11. Various weight training movements: bench press, pull-downs, arm curls, triceps extensions, bent arm raises, squats, hamstring curls, soldier press, adductions and abductions, lunges.
1. A nice touch is to use music that matches the theme of upcoming holidays. For example, Christmas music with a good aerobics beat and with Christmas-related movements such as trimming the tree, making Christmas bread (kneading the dough, rolling it out), chopping the firewood, etc.
2. After you have performed some sample energy breaks, you could assign students the task of leading a class. It will be their job to select the music and matching movements. Preparing for their leadership role can be an assignment.
Reference: Jenni Coombs (Strathern Elementary/Junior High School, Edmonton, Alberta), Energy breaks. Teaching Health-PE in the Early Childhood Classroom, Health and Physical Education Council of the Alberta Teachers Assn.
How To Use Fitness
Various studies indicate that approximately 53 percent of marriages in California end in divorce. Most relationships start off really great. There is nothing like the excitement that comes with a new relationship, but once the novelty wears off it is easier to then find out if your mate is truly compatible with you.
Everything was going really great until I brought a potential mate to the gym. In the middle of our intense workout, when she exceeded her fitness threshold, her true personality came out. She started whining, talking down to me and I even caught her flat out lying about how many reps she did. Whining, talking down and lying are not the qualities I was looking for.
"Come Out, Come Out, Whoever You Are"
Certain circumstances in life push people to their limit - and sometimes even beyond. When people get to their breaking point, their strengths and weaknesses become very apparent. It's like giving someone a truth serum. Unfortunately, a lot of the situations that induce this unveiling are not very healthy. I started bringing anyone that I dated to the gym to go through one of my workouts. I learned as much about someone's character in one hour as it would normally take me about three months to learn.
I have now been happily married for 9 years with two beautiful kids, and yes, I did workout with my wife before we got married.
Keeping the Relationship Strong
This matchmaking technique does not just work for finding the perfect partner. It doubles as a relationship strengthener. After the new car smell of a relationship is gone, a lot of couples find themselves bored with nothing exciting to share. Going through a heart-pounding, sweat-pouring, exhausting workout with your significant other is a great way to put the excitement back in to your relationship."
It is so bonding when couples get in their car after a workout, panting and dripping with sweat. The whole drive home consists of conversations like, "I can't believe we ran that fast for that long," or "Didn't you think your lungs were going to explode?" and "I can't even lift my arms, can you?" They have smiles on their faces all the way home.
Both Dick Moss & Steve Hochman are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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