Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and is needed for the production of collagen, the "glue" that strengthens the bodies muscles and blood vessels. Vitamin C is also important in wound healing as a natural antihistamine, fighting viruses, and aids in the formation of liver bile. Finally, it helps to detoxify alcohol and other substances.
Vitamin C is one of the more powerful and well-known antioxidants. Just as exposing a cut apple to air causes it to quickly turn brown, cells of the body can also suffer damage when exposed to oxygen, a process known as oxidation. Oxidation causes aging of the skin as well as all other organs and tissues of the body. Vitamin C, as a free-radical fighter, helps ward off wrinkles and many illnesses linked to oxidation, including cataracts, arthritis, heart disease, and cancer.
Sources of vitamin C
Vitamin C is mostly present in fresh fruits, mainly citrus fruits, e.g. orange, lemon, tomato, pineapple, papaya, etc; fresh vegetables e.g. cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, spinach, green peppers, beans etc.; properly sprouted pulses, germinating grams, etc. potato and seeds are poor sources but rich during germination. Amla is one of the richest sources of vitamin C both in the fresh as well as in the dry condition. Guavas are another cheap but rich source of this vitamin.
Deficiency Symptoms of Vitamin C
Ascorbic acid literally means "acid that prevents scurvy". Vitamin C deficiencies were first discovered on ships that were sailing to the "new world". Often ships had barrels full of limes so that passengers could have lime juice every day to prevent scurvy. Symptoms of scurvy are rare, but milder symptoms can happen when intake is low. These include fatigue, weakness, bruising easily and depression. More serious symptoms are loose teeth and sore joints.
Benefits of Vitamin C:
There are plenty of good reasons to add vitamin C to your diet and skin care program. Benefits of vitamin C on the outside of your body. Vitamin C products for skin care can provide greater protection against harmful UV rays, increase the production of collagen and decrease the look of fine lines and pigmentation that are the result of aging. This can actually be easier said than done, since the properties of vitamin C make it difficult to use in a skin care product. Use a variety of vitamin C derivatives in skin care products that will bring about the same benefits as natural vitamin C with less of the ingredient required for results.
It keeps a check on the presence of cholesterol in the body. Thus, it actually helps to prevent gall bladder disease and even heart problems.
Over consumption of Vitamin C is not exactly harmful because being a water-soluble vitamin, extra amount gets excreted in urine. However, too much consumption can lead to problems of stones in later stages.
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