You have always done things by the book. Life is good and then all of a sudden things go wrong. Bills are piling up, your cars needs to be fixed, the kids need braces, and one-by-one the appliances are breaking down. You need to do something to make everything right again, but don't know if a home equity loan is the right choice for you.
A home equity loan is a loan secured by the equity in your home. The equity being the difference between what you owe on your home and what the value of your home is at that particular time in the market. The home equity loan carries a lower interest at a fixed rate. Therefore giving you the ability to payoff those over the limit credit cards, remodel your home, or whatever else you may need the loan for.
Some home equity loans are taxable; meaning the interest you pay on it could be taxable. There are two different types of home equity loans. In a home equity loan, the amount you borrow you will get in a lump sum. In a home equity line you will get a line of credit to use as you need it.
The best thing to do when thinking about getting a home equity loan is to do what is best for you at that given time. Determine whether you require a lump sum or line of credit. If you need help then talk to an advisor to get all the information you need up front before making that decision.
I Need A Home Loan
If you want a first rate home improvement job carried out with a guarantee then you will need to use professional tradesmen who should also speed the work up a great deal.
Two types of home improvement loan exist; secured loans which are based on the equity in the property and those that require no security at all. The last responsibility a new homeowner wants is that of it being used as equity for a loan to improve it. Finance organized to improve a home is normally arranged to run for up to fifteen years when equity is not required.
However, one stipulation for a zero equity finance arrangement is that the combined income of the owners reaches a specified limit but it must not be greater than the limit imposed by the county where they live. The loan process for people applying for a no equity loan is minimal even though the property and type of improvements planned are looked into.
A secured home improvement loan allows you to access some of the equity in your home, so that you can take out a loan against your property. Equity based loans are arranged quite quickly and whilst these loans are not considered as second mortgages, they have the benefit of lower interest rates and preferential terms as part of the arrangement.
How much you can borrow on a secured loan depends on the equity in your home. Lenders are usually very helpful in helping you determine how much your home is worth, how much outstanding mortgage you owe, along with all the other debts you possess.
The lenders will assess all this information before furnishing the homeowner with the amount they are prepared to lend them. Although it is not set in stone, the amount they are prepared to lend will be based on a percentage of the property valuation but some lenders will actually lend as much as a quarter again as the property is worth.
Any loan secured on a property has a risk attached and that is especially true when the loan is large as payments can become difficult to make at which point the creditors can move in and take your home away. Do not over-extend yourself to remodel your home when arranging your home improvement loan as often necessary maintenance and decoration will be enough to give it that all important face lift.
Both Ken Charnley & Kay Brown are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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