A joint venture is where you contact a marketer in your niche market that has an email list of subscribers who may have an interest in your product. They can be the lifeblood of your business. Just five decent joint venture partners who promote your ebook to their email list in exchange for a commission can put your current income through into overdrive. Read this newsletter and go out and take action. I assure you your results will be life changing.
Know Your Conversion Rate
The first mistake newbie's make is they start contacting JV partners left right and centre before they've even made a sale of their ebook themselves. This is wrong. Very wrong. You need to be able to contact a potential JV partner and be able to tell them how your sites converting. How can you expect someone to sign up as a JV partner if they can not see your past success.
Site conversion is simple. It's the amount of visitors to the amount of visitors who buy. So for example if one hundred people visited your site and two bought your conversion is two percent. You want to get at least one thousand visitors before you know your conversion.
To work out how your sites converting download the software from www.statcounter.com. The best thing is it won't cost you a penny. It will up date visits to you site and calculate your conversion for you.
Offer Large Commissions
Once you know how well your sites converting (if no one's buying don't even bother contacting marketers. Improve your sales letter, change your headline, whatever it takes) you can start contacting JV partners. Offer them more than your regular affiliates. Offer your affiliates fifty percent and your JV partners seventy five percent.
You may be thinking "wait a sec those commissions are huge? I won't make any money myself". This is where so many go wrong. If people are sending you tons of visitors you can build your email list and offer them other products in email promotions, and you can also make money selling back end products. Remember that old saying "speculate to accumulate".
Return the Favour
Offering high commissions is not enough. Let them know that you'll add a message into your auto responder set up so that you'll market their products via an affiliate link in your back end. Explain that you'll be setting up joint ventures with other marketers in the niche so that they'll get visitors to their site without spending a dime. This is very powerful.
Using Clickbank
Please, please understand one thing. If you're selling an ebook on fitness don't start contacting marketers who sell gardening products. That's just ridiculous. You need marketers who sell products in your niche as they will have an email list of people who may have an interest in your book and these are the only marketers you should contact.
With that in mind start at www.clickbank.com. Click on "promote products" on the home page and then search the marketplace for products in your niche. Try setting up a JV by contacting the product owners.
Google "Ezine" Trick
This is a superb way to find marketers with ready made email lists they can send a promotion to and sell tons of copies of your ebook virtually overnight.
Go to google and type in "(niche) ezine". So for example if you were selling a bass fishing related ebook you'd type in "bass fishing ezine". What you'll get is a huge list of results of web sites in which people have a bass fishing email newsletter (or ezine). Obviously they won't all have one, often you'll get millions of results, but you can spend a few hours going through the results and get more JV contacts than you could ever hope for!
Google "Allintitle" Trick
Here's another cracker. If you could find web sites that have your niche market keyword in their domain name there might be great potential JV partners? Of course! Go to google and type in "allintitle: (niche)" So for example if you were selling an ebook on song writing you'd type "allintitle: song writing" into google. Go through the results contacting marketers and setting up hugely profitable joint ventures.
Leverage Results
Once you set up one profitable JV use the results to start setting up even more joint ventures. One joint venture will boost your conversion and your future contacts will be far more impressive. You can say things like "Joe bloggs from domain name.com made X amount of sales and earned X amount from just one mailing to his list". This really is powerful because it shows people that you know what you're doing.
Now go and take action. You really can set up joint ventures with any niche markets top guns if you go and actually do it. Do it today! Good luck!
Neil Gray has sinced written about articles on various topics from Joint Venture, Internet Marketing and Joint Venture. Neil Gray will show you step by step how to create a hot selling internet product in one day without writing a single word and how to use Joint Ventures to sky rocket your products and profit. Visit. Neil Gray's top article generates over 2900 views. Bookmark Neil Gray to your Favourites.
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