The phone company had a saying years ago that bragged, ?The Telephone is the next best thing to being there?. But in a more clandestine way, Images are the next best thing to reality. Pornography is arguably the most indicative of this summarization as billions of dollars feed the flames of smoldering passions.
Images continue their winding path into practically every aspect of our lives.
Even the Tattoo industry is cashing in on the public's burgeoning desire to embrace images. In the eighties George Lucas launched his special effects company ?Industrial Light And Magic? which propelled movies like Star Wars into illustrious profits at the box office. People are craving all sorts of images.
?Marketeers?? court psychologists and behaviorists to determine how to convert this craving into cash and yes, even the Phone company realized that voice is nice but picture and voice is twice as nice.
Where is this image explosion heading? And what predictable effects will it have on our future and our children's future? It has been proven that images can be flashed in front of us so fast that our eyes can not behold them but our subconscious mind does. The God of the Bible says ?Thou shalt have no graven Images before me?. God may have been on to something.
I read somewhere that scientist believe that it may be possible to generate images directly to the brain of a blind person. They explain that images are actually frequencies and it may be possible to feed these frequencies directly to a very specific part of the brain. What this means is that even if a person has ?no eyes? he would still be able to see! Wouldn't that be amazing?
In the late sixties a drug called LSD became quite popular in America. Many youth at the time embraced it's hallucinogenic effects.
A carousel of images coupled with manufactured euphoria.
Images are most powerful when introduced in accommodating ways. For instance, between meals when we're sitting watching a show on TV and, BAM! A commercial with a Red Lobster dish, or a scrumptious burger looms onto the screen.
The other four senses pay very close attention to the interpretations of the eye and the images stored in the brain. How much can we tweak our capability to master what we see and experience?
MTV stumbled upon this concept of images. The company paired images with popular music and carved out a niche that rocked the entertainment industry, literally. But again, where is this going?
We weren't satisfied with our conventional TV'S so they gave us large screens then, High Definition and all along experimenting with 3D glasses. And then the Cable company feeds us a gazillion stations.
For the most part illicit drugs have long been a part of our history but now we have our Techno Drug to play with?Virtual Reality! While law enforcement, families and hospitals scramble to get a handle on traditional drug addiction perhaps we may wound up being blind sided by some Ominous Techno Drug. Just something to think about.
Miles Pride has sinced written about articles on various topics from Patent and Trademark, Arts. My interest in the Bible and unexplained phenomena inspired me to write an unusual Novel, UFOS,GOD AND THE DEVIL. Drop by my site and check it out . Miles Pride's top article generates over 590 views. Bookmark Miles Pride to your Favourites.
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