The human body has vital points of energy that are used consciously or unconsciously and greatly influence the experiences that happen in our lives. The term "chakra" is used to mean these critical points.
Chakras are found in different areas throughout the human body. There are seven chakras in total, each holding influence over the area in which it is found. Every chakra has its own distinctive property.
A chakra located at the base of the spine is the Root Chakra. This chakra is known to have an effect on the health, structure and safety of a person. This particular chakra, also known as the coccyx, and traditionally known as muladhara, is associated with how one's body links to the material world. It is also related to a red-colored circle surrounded by four golden petals.
Svadisthana, or the Naval Chakra, is a fundamental point located in the lower abdomen area. Feelings of love, passion, pleasure and sexuality are associated with this chakra. People who experience positive feelings send feedback to this chakra, which is also linked to the colour orange.
Positioned just above the navel and below the chest, the Solar Plexus Chakra is a vital point influencing one's force and willpower. This chakra is where our sense of authority, discipline and self-control converge. The color yellow is linked with this chakra.
The Heart Chakra or the anahata can be found at the middle of one's chest. Love and understanding are the focus of this chakra, as well as the feelings resulting from these sensations. The color green is related to the Heart Chakra.
A critical point located in the throat area is called the Throat Chakra or vishuddha. Connected to one's communication, this chakra is also associated with the sky-blue color.
The Brow Chakra or the anja is a vital point located on the forehead, just above the eyes. This chakra is associated with our sensitivity outside the physical sphere and is known to the Buddhists as the region of the "Third Eye." This clairvoyance-related focus point is associated with the color indigo as well.
The Crown Chakra, or sahasrara, is found at the central point on top of the head. Naturally, this important chakra is concerned with the spirit and the mind. One's consciousness and items related to the High Self are dictated by the violet-coloured Crown Chakra.
If you are interested in practicing Chakra meditation, you'll find that it has the ability to stimulate your vital energy points and lead to beneficial side effects. Be careful though, as too much mental energy is not always wise for people who do participate in much physical activity. Ask for expert guidance when learning chakra meditation or you may risk developing personality problems due to a chakra imbalance.
Inner Peace For Busy People
Writers are creative people that often find it difficult to find inner peace; until that day arrives, someone takes notice of their artistic gifts.
Life is ever changing, and with the current situations going on in Iraq, it seems endless. Although topics are broadening, writing can become a pain just to finish with the rising of stressful situations, which makes it difficult for the creative minds to find their inner peace
The best way to avoid stress is making sure you get plenty of rest.
If you are suffering, financial situations there are solutions to the problem. I realize there are people out there that suffering financial difficulties and cannot work, still, you can survive. If you know the Internet, there are programs that you can sign up free and additional programs that offer free websites and free advertising. Make money! Freelance writer's jobs are available online as well; research. Thus, I bring this out in the article, since when a person suffers financial burden and mental or physical anguish combined; they often find it difficult to find inner peace.
Take the obstacles out of your way by finding a job that you can do without causing your health problems by adding stress.
Obstacles are big if you continue to create mountains. One of the best ways to move stress and save your mental status is exercising daily. Go for a walk, ride your bike around the block. Thus, taking care of you will lead to inner peace.
Stress deteriorates health and a person's well-being. Stress is emotional, psychological, and physical change, which means a person who is stressing, may be sustaining mental conflicts that are not surfacing. It is time to sit down and evaluate your mind, while searching for the answers that fill your soul.
Look at your situation and see if you can find a solution to reach your inner peace. See if you can locate the problem and alleviate it. In other words, evaluate your situation and find a solution to the issues that are causing you problems. The action is self-analyzing, self-talk strategies that prove to work wonders.
Sometimes people stress because they may live in an environment that does not offer opportunities, or at most, potentials that meet their educational background and skills. It is ok to move ahead. You might not be able to move today, but plan to move to a better location in time. When you make positive changes in your life, you find inner peace.
Counselors have proven that bright artificial lights can enhance your mood if you suffer from environmental weather change. I keep Christmas, candles, and florescent lights in my house year round. The brilliancy makes room for smiles, peace, and comfort.
Music is another method of relieving stress, which helps a person find inner peace. Music is a proven activity, which leads to peace, since people often suffer stress because their emotions are overwhelmed, and they fail to move the fog out of their way.
Mediation will also help reduce stress when obstacles are creating problems, thus providing inner peace. Take an hour or two out of your day to lie down and meditate. Try not to worry. Sufficient for each day, if you have children I strongly advise, at least one day out of the week, take time for yourself. Children can cause a lot of stress unfortunately.
Obstacles may become overwhelming if you do not, take time out to play the mind becomes agitated, which reduces the odds of finding inner peace. I do not care how old you are. Watch a movie. Take a walk, visits friends. Social activity helps when you are feeling overwhelmed.
Are the people around you driving you crazy? The wisest solution for this issue is finding friends that will offer something to your personality rather than consistently taken from it.
Thus, removing obstacles and relieving stress is the only way you can find a measure of peace.
Both Wyatt Pottoe & are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.