Leading and managing a business is not a complex process. As practitioners of the art and science we choose to make them difficult. This gives us a reason to go to work each day - to sort difficult situations and solve impossible problems. It gives us bragging rights over a martini. Slaying corporate dragons and living with the resulting stress is a national pastime.
By making business procedures difficult we can hire experts to sort them out. This becomes a perfect default mechanism. You can always blame failure on the consultant's bad advice.
Over years we built up layers of complexity about finances, planning, human resources requirements, and so on. As they get more unsolvable and complicated we have more reasons (read excuses) for not meeting performance requirements. The t-shirt should read, 'Its not the economy - its your bad management - stupid'!
My favorite staff area to hammer is the finance department which in reality is the most simple of all business forms. Let me illustrate. You make a big pile of money. This needs to be done on a regular basis. It is called cash flow. During the year you take big chunks from the pile and give it to your suppliers and employee. That called operational expenses. At the end of the year you take another major portion of that and give to your government. That's called taxes. When those piles are removed a small pile is left. That's called profit for you and the shareholders. See how simple it becomes? For my finance friends reading this - don't worry, I will equally insult other staff functions in other articles.
Now I am going to take a sword to the Gordian knot to the entire complicated practice of leading and managing a business. When you boil the essence of any business down to its purest form it means asking and answering six basic questions. I recommend you work with your management team to find the in-depth answers to these and subsequent questions.
1. Where am I going? This sets the direction of the company with all its variables.
2. Where am I now? This requires a cold hard look at your current performance levels.
3. How do I plan to get there? What are your strategic goals, smart objectives, and connecting strategies to move from the present to the future?
4. What will stop me? What are the show stoppers along the way? I don't mean management lethargy, timid goal setting, and sluggish accountability.
5. How will I get buy-in from others? Okay, you have to sell it to the employees so it better be plausible.
6. How will I measure my progress? This is where everything breaks down. Do you have the courage to install a system that provides authority, permits responsibility, and demands resulting accountability?
In Summary
Approach your business requirement with common sense. In the end that is the only business model that actually works.
Interview Questions For Business
I'm a business coach. I've worked with hundreds of small, medium and very large business, and over the course of the past eleven years, I've asked my business coaching clients endless questions which have helped them achieve much greater levels of success than they would have otherwise. While the following may not be the only ten questions -- or even THE ten questions, they are ten questions that you must answer if you want your business to flourish. The right answers are critical to your company's future.
1. How many un- or underserved prospective clients are in your target market?
The number of prospective clients available to you relates to two key considerations. First -- and most obvious -- as the total core revenue possible from this client base. The other is the kind of marketing tactics that will be most cost-effective. If yours is a 'mass market,' then advertising may almost certainly be part of the your marketing mix. By contrast, if your market is very small (I once sold software to the top-50 international banks) you can contact each and every prospect by telephone and courier.
2. How large do you envision your business?
Does your vision include being a Fortune 500 company? If so, check question 1 above. On the other hand, many of my clients would be completely satisfied generating $5MM with a staff of 50; pocketing $1mm per year and selling the company for $10mm when they are ready. How you answer this question governs the kind of markets you can enter, whether you are vertical or horizontal in nature, mass market or niched, as well as the kind of management structure your organization requires.
3. What important changes are occurring (or have recently occurred) in your market and what is their impact on your business?
The answers to this question may govern changes to your product, your product mix and your marketing campaign. Big changes generally signal big opportunities; however if you aren't prepared for them, they can also signal the demise of your business. Dramatic increases in new housing created significant opportunities for a client who sold estimating software and brought a field-ready, cost-saving product to market just in time.
4. Who is your competition, what are their strengths, and why are you a better choice for your prospects?
It may shock you (on the other hand, it may not) how many CEOs cannot provide a compelling answer to this question. Recently, I was at a meeting for Microsoft Business Solutions Partners, and spoke to a number of the VARs who came to improve their marketing programs. When I asked about their competitive advantage, three separate resellers answered telling me how long they had been in business, and how well they understood their customers. Yeah? Well, so what. If you don't want to get blindsided by your competitors, you need to understand their capabilities. And if you want to outflank them in turn, you'd better have ammunition more powerful than your length of service.
5. How important is "service" to your clients, and how do you plan to deliver it?
Some markets high service, some do not. What about yours? If you are playing in a market where customers expect to get their hands held, you need to be geared up for it. A client of mine in educational ERP software implemented a big (and effective) sales push, only to have their Help Desk swamped with new customer service requests. Ultimately we fixed this with a new support policies, a knowledge base, an active user forum, plus effective staff training -- but it almost sank the company.
6. Is your business model scalable? In other words, could you grow your business by x%, without your expenses growing by the same ratio?
If not, you can never be more profitable -- in percentage terms - than you currently are. You may sell more, and earn more in absolute terms, but for each dollar you sell, you will make the same, or likely less, money. This means that an acquirer will not pay a financial premium for your business, because adding money to your business won't make it more profitable.
7. What are they 3-5 critical factors for your business' success? How would you rate your company in each factor, from 1-10, with 10 being the best?
Where do the profits in your business come from? What are the areas where you beat the pants off your competitors? Why do clients seek you out? These are the critical areas of success -- and you'd better be damned good at them. Rate yourself on each, and create an improvement program wherever you are lower than an 8. I've done this exercise with many of my clients, and it has probably created more value than any other.
8. What portion of your business operations have documented, repeatable, scalable systems? Are there systems which cover the critical success areas?
This is the solution to the problem raised in question 6. It is also your ticket to a well-earned vacation. Ask yourself, if you left for four weeks without voice mail or e-mail, would your business be better than you found it, about the same, or a smoldering ruin? You may think that not all areas of a software company lend themselves to systemization, but all the important ones do. Sales? Marketing? Product development? Customer service? Consulting? All systemizable.
9. How good are your finances?
Your financial picture and your market share, analyzed in the context of a growing or shrinking market determines the future of your company. If you've got lots of surplus cash you can whether anything. You can create completely new products if you have to. Next best thing is strong cash flow out of which you can pay for development, buy a competitor, or expand revenues with new technology. (One of my clients recently reinvigorated their business by buying a non-competitive player selling products to their legal clients.) But if your bank account is poor and your cash-flow weak, you are in a tough place -- particularly if your market is shrinking. My Grand Strategy Model would tell you to sell your company for whatever you can get, and invest the proceeds in a healthier market sector.
10. Is your market growing or shrinking and what is your current market share?
This is the other key to the Grand Strategy. If you dominate your market is there enough room to grow? And if not, who can you steal business from? If your market is expanding there may be years of growth left, but if it is stable or shrinking, the forecast may not be so good. This is where cash balances and cash flow come in. With them you can develop new products and services to expand the size of purchase transactions or increase the frequency of repurchase. If there is just no room for increase, think about how you can tweak your product to redeploy it in an adjacent market space. At a time when a client's customer's just wasn't buying their old products, (and recently, whose customer's were?) we shifted much of their resources into providing interim services, and thereby saved the company until the new products came out.
Both Dr. Al Coke & Paul Lemberg are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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