Do we always really see what we see? If we can determine the roughness of the surface by eye, then may be we can find out its color by touch? Sounds confusing, isn't it? These and many other questions were on people's mind for centuries. The interest to color perception by a human eye is not an exception. First of all let's try to find the best definition of color.
In fact, you can find plenty, and here is one of them: "Light, being caught by the eye, is transformed into the signals of the neurons located there, and is then sent out to the brain, using the optical nerve as a transmitter". Brrr... Too scientific, I would say. May be this one is better? "Color is a visual attribute of things that results from the light they emit or transmit or reflect". Here is my favorite from Wikipedia ( "Color (American English) or color (Commonwealth English) is a sensation which (in humans) derives from the ability of the fine structure of the eye to distinguish three differently filtered analysis of a view. The perception of color is influenced by long-term history (nurture) of the observer and also by short-term effects such as the colors nearby. The term color is also used for the property of objects or light sources that can be distinguished by differences in the receptors of the eye". All these definitions are correct, and, In fact, all of them have one point in common -color is light. Human eye can react to three primary colors - red, green and blue (RGB). The brain recognizes any color tone as a combination of these three primary ones.
The dictionary of any language contains a large number of color names (usually from 100 to 150). In reality, a human eye can distinguish significantly more colors and tones, but its owner is not always able to translate the feelings into words.
Every person can see and recognize colors in a different way, and not only physiologically (for example, some people suffer from color blindness, when an individual is unable to distinguish specific colors), but psychologically as well. One person likes the blue, another is crazy about yellow, and someone else loves black. The color can be described by various people as warm, cold, heavy, light, soft, hard, relaxing, bright or dark. Visual color perception depends on many factors - person's culture, age, gender, social position and previous experience. It is not uncommon, when different people describe the same color differently. The people have noticed all these individual features long ago, during early times. Most of you probably know that colors played a very important role in various tribe rituals all over the ancient world. American first nations are a good illustration of this. Different colors were used in different ceremonies. The warriors used war paint to scare off the enemy, and it is obvious, that those colors were different from the ones used during harvest or hunting. For example, white paint was used in those magic rituals, where people wanted to appeal to the spirits of life to help them in some important task, such as hunting. On the contrary, black paint was used during the ceremonies, related to death, spirits of evil, and other unpleasant experiences. We will explain the meaning of different colors in the ancient world, as well as during other periods of mankind evolution, in my following articles.
And now let's get back to our present life; let's see how the colors are perceived by modern people, and how they affect our day-today life.
What do we observe around us during day and night? Interior at home and at work, houses on the street, advertising in public transport, skies, flowers, trees, water and many, many other things. All of them have specific colors and their images are processed by human brain in a certain way. While being ay home, most people want to relax and to get some rest after their working hours; therefore they choose interior colors, which can help them doing it. When deciding which tone of the palette to use, the individual will most likely consciously or subconsciously choose the colors, he or she feels more comfortable with. If the interior design and its colors are in harmony with the owners' style and character, it will positively affect their mood and psychological balance. All of you, probably, had at least one experience in your life, when while getting back from somebody's house, you thought to yourself: "I would have never painted my family room in such an awful color!" It does not mean though, that the colors you saw in that house are not good enough. It is only an indication, that your color preferences are unlike your friends' and that you house probably is decorated in different way. On one of our websites you can find several examples of how abstract paintings fit into different interiors with various color palettes.
Hundreds, if not thousands, years ago people noticed that different colors affect human mentality. But they also discovered that color tones may have physiological effect over human body. The science of using colors for healing is called Color Therapy or Chromotherapy. It is based on the fact, that electromagnetic waves of different wavelength affect our body differently. Our eyes are sensitive to light, which lies in a very small region of the electromagnetic spectrum labeled "visible light". This "visible light" corresponds to a wavelength range of 400 - 700 nanometers (nm) and a color range of violet through red. The human eye is not capable of "seeing" radiation with wavelengths outside the visible spectrum. The visible colors from shortest to longest wavelength are: violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. Since colored light is electromagnetic in nature, it interacts with vital human body structures, boosting or suppressing its vibrations. On the other hand, colors affect the eye iris by stimulating various receptors, while the iris is linked with all internal organs and brain by nerves. As a result, different colors may affect the human body as a whole.
Let me touch briefly one more aspect. Sex is one of the irreplaceable and important components of human life, and in the future issues we will definitely try to explain to you, how various colors affect sexuality (you probably heard an expression "sexy color").
In our subsequent articles we will cover in more details the following topics: the history of color, color perception, how to use various colors in the interior design and how colors affect our health, sexuality, emotions and moods.
Color and psychology. B Bazyma.
Some Facts and Research on Using Color and Light for Healing. Dietrich K.Klinghardt, MD, PhD
Introduction To Fourier Optics
As you probably already know, poker is actually a really popular card game that involves players actually taking fully or partial concealed cards and making wagers in what is known as a central pot. The actual pot is then rewarded to the individual player or players that have the best combination of cards or the individual player who has made an uncalled bet.
You can also refer to poker as video poker, video poker is known as a single player game that is actually seen in casinos commonly like a type of slot machine or other types of games that actually use the rankings of poker hands.
When it comes to poker, you will find that it has many different variations in which each of them following the same actual pattern of play. The actual right to deal each individual hand is known to typically rotate between the players and is known to be marked with what is referred to as a token which is called a dealer button or also a buck.
When you are playing poker in a casino, you will find that the cards are dealt by a house dealer; however the dealer button is rotated in a clockwise position between the players that are in the game in order to indicate a nominal dealer so that the order of betting can be determined.
It is also known that a single player or more than one player will be asked to make what are known as forced bets in order to create what is known as an initial stake in which the players will actually contest. The dealer will first shuffle the cards and then they will cut the cards and then deal the right amount of cards to each of the players at one particular time.
In some cases the cards will be dealt face down and there are times when the cards are dealt face up, it all really depends on the actual variant of the poker that is being played. Once the initial deal has taken place, the beginning of the betting rounds begins.
You will notice that between the individual rounds that the individual players hand will actually begin to develop in some type of way. This normally takes place by each player being dealt additional cards or actually replacing the cards that the player has already been dealt in the first place.
With poker there is a certain combination of cards or particularly hands that actually outrank other hands that a player may have that are based on the actual frequency in which the actual combinations appear.
However, the actual player that has the best hand of poker at the point of showdown is the player that wins the money pot. As with poker, the high hand rankings are also used in a different variety of other types of card games as well.
There are also some general rules that are known to apply to actually be able to evaluate the poker hands no matter what set of hand values are used. The individual cards are ranked as Ace high, King, Queen, Jack, and then ten through two and ace low. When it comes to suits, they have no value. A single hand always consists of five cards and the hands are also ranked by category first and then by the individual card ranks.
There are a variety of card hands that you can have. The first card hand that you can have is a straight flush, this hand consists of five cards that form a sequence and are the entire same suit as well. Then you can have four of a kind, which is also referred to as quads and is a poker hand where you have four cards that all have the same value and also one unmatched card that is not relevant at all.
Another type of hand that you can have is a full house which is also referred to as a boat or a full boat and is a poker hand which contains three cards that have one rank and also two cards that match which is of another rank.
Then you can also have a flush, which is a poker hand that consists of five cards that are the entire same suit and that do not rank is sequence.
You can also have a straight, which is a poker hand that has five cards that are of sequential rank and that are different suits. There is also a hand that is known as three of a kind and this is where you have a poker hand that consists of three cards that are all of the same rank and also two other cards that are unmatched, this is also known as trips or a set or prile.
Playing poker is an art all of its own. You must pay attention to the game as well as the players in general. You want to make a note of the the players that are playing aggressively as well as those who play casually.
You may also want to keep your eyes on the players that are playing tight as well. You are going to want to play the players that are loose and try your best to avoid the players that are tight. The only way that you want to play the tight players is if you have the strong hand.
Another thing that you are going to want to consider is your ability to keep an eye on the chips. Make a note of the amount of chips each player has. You need to know which player has a greater amount of chips than you do and you need to make sure that you play against them carefully. Any mistakes you mak in poker will virtually wipe you out of the game.
When it comes to playing with the players that have a less amount of chips then you do, it may be better to play pots. Also keep in mind the terms no match, if you take notice on the fact that none of your cards match those community cards, you should throw away your hand when another player bets.
You should also keep an eye on the ace in your hand. Just because you have an ace card in your hand doesn't mean that you should play. However, if you have an ace and a card that is higher than a ten, you should play. Also keep in mind the hands that need to stay before the flop takes place.
If you have a hand that has two pairs or two face cards or a hand that can result in a straight flush, you should play. On the other hand if you don't have those types of hands you need to fold and be patient unless you find yourself in the blind.
When you have a good hand you are going to want to bet strong so that you are able to make a good profit from the hand. However, you are going to want to an eye out for those potential players that may have a better hand than you.
Both Max Viskov & Jim Moore are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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