Weight loss programs abound and are promoted relentlessly inbookstores, on television programs and online. But, for most of them,there's often a feeling that they lack a level of credibility. Thoughthey offer countless testimonials from gushing success stories, they doso with a style reminiscent of infomercials; a style that may give somepeople pause before enrolling in their respective programs. But, people continue to battle with their weight. They need help to lose that weight and live healthier lives. The Duke Diethas been helping people throughout the world do exactly that since1969. In an arena that boasts new fad diets and diet programs eachyear, the world-renowned Duke Diet has become a mainstay for the entireindustry. In this article, you'll learn how the diet was created, howit works and how you can get started building a healthy life based uponthe diet's main tenets.4 Keys To Living A Healthy LifeAs one of the oldest, longest-running and most-respected weightmanagement programs in the world, the Duke Diet was established inDurham, North Carolina in 1969. Departing from the paths taken by otherdiet programs, the Duke Diet takes a 4-pronged approach to helpingothers lose weight and live healthy, active lives. This strategyinvolves developing an eating plan customized for each individual, afitness program, the opportunity to understand behavioral tendenciesand medical advice.The eating plan that's designed for each person's needs includeshundreds of recipes that offer delicious meals that make the dieterfeel satisfied. In addition, people are taught to customize their ownrecipes, experimenting with a variety of tastes that may better suitthem. Because the same healthy ingredients are used, dieters areencouraged to create different meals without the fear of usingunhealthy foods to do so.The Duke Diet places enormous significance on exercise. Believing thatdaily physical activity not only helps a person lose weight, but alsoimproves the cardiovascular system, the experts behind the Duke Dietfocus on stretching, cardio and strength training exercises. Thefitness plans can be easily customized to each person's ability. Another unique component of the Duke Diet is its emphasis on how peoplerelate to the foods around them. They understand that eating is oftenan emotional manifestation of other events. They feel that a dietprogram that focuses only on foods and exercise misses a criticalelement in helping people understand and control the emotions thatcause them to eat unnecessarily.Finally, the last segment of the Duke Diet encourages dieters to beaware of how losing weight affects their entire body. Conditions suchas diabetes and high blood pressure can be impacted based upon thefoods we eat and the level of exercise we enjoy. They'll provide youwith the information you need in order to keep your doctor informedabout your progress.If you'd like to lose weight but are turned off by the infomercials andslick salesmen, the Duke Diet may be what you're looking for.
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