There is list upon list of all the advantages of signing up for a JV. If you are new to online marketing you are thinking I need to hurry and get into this, for more details visit to I could make millions. The Guru's would tell you are right, common sense should tell you there is more you need to know.
If you run head long into the first joint venture that comes your way, or you trip over, you may find yourself in a worse situation than you began in. It is true joint ventures can help your business. By joining a joint venture you can grow your opt-in list, for more details visit to save money on advertisement, and cost of production, it sounds so wonderful doesn't it? A real JV does not stop there.
A true JV is all about leverage. What can you do with your partner's resources, and visa versa? If Bill has a great product but no money, and Bob has plenty of money, but no product, then Bill and Bob could make a real JV by pooling their resources. They will be able to use what they have as leverage to ultimately get what they need to meet their goals. In the process they can be creating a business relationship that will serve them well in the future as well.
If you ask the most successful internet marketers out there what you need to make a successful joint venture they will tell you, a good opt-in list, and some good solid joint venture partnerships. You can actually get the opt in list from a good JV partnership, so you can kill two birds with one stone on that one. The secret to a real joint venture that everyone knows, without actually knowing it is this, you absolutely need to have an experienced, established partner. You may form all the joint ventures possible and not do anything but average business, if it is not the right partners you will not have a success on your hands.
You can spend hundred or thousands of dollars on Guru written books, CD's, and software, you will probably get some use out of them. If you are wondering what the real secret of a true joint venture is you need not look any further than your own common sense. A reliable, credible partner will get you closer to your goal than 100 potential partners without complementing resources.
Joint Venture Partnership Agreement
"I Owe Everything I Have to Joint Ventures," he said. And he meant it. Geoff had been watching his business slide down into a never-ending cash flow crisis for months. We've all heard the old, "Feast or Famine, Chicken or Feathers" saying. Well, Geoff had been eating feathers for so long he'd nearly laid an egg. The future looked dismal and he felt terrible.
Then he learnt about Joint Ventures. The scales fell from his eyes. He stopped thinking about selling and started thinking about what other people wanted. He started looking at the big picture and forgot about the old desperation tactics. All of a sudden, he relaxed and saw potential under every tree and gold in the streets. He started asking, "What will it take?", "How can I help you?" and "What do YOU want?" and the attitudes of other people changed. Now they wanted to talk with him and started returning his calls!
Two simple win/win deals in which Geoff worked with strong Joint Venture partners doubled his business in a week. He could hardly believe it. And he never looked back. He started carrying business cards with just his name and contact information on them and he stopped delivering his little "Elevator Speech" sales pitch. He became a confidante, a helper, a friend, instead of a salesman. People started to seek him out - after all, he provided solutions to their problems - why wouldn't they look for him?
Many people have a limited view of Joint Ventures. They think Joint Ventures are "Networking" or "Paying a commission for leads" or "Referrals". Joint Ventures are much more. They can be triangulated, piggybacked, bundled, include barter, you name it. Simple. Quick. Safe. Easy. Fast. No money or risk. Huge Return On Investment. For more information, visit
Both Devinder Kumar & Robin Elliott are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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