We all know how internet user's attention span are much more reduced if they are browsing through the Internet. As compared to reading the newspaper, a novel, or even an obscure textbook, people's attention easily wavers when confronted with articles in the Internet.
If you want to write an article, which will draw many readers, then it is important that you also learn to look out for newer sources of ideas. If a novelist needs inspiration and research in order to create a novel, then you as a web writer also need new information, more interesting resources and fresher ideas to come up with interesting articles.
First, you need to be patient in finding solutions for article resources. In order for you to deliver truckloads of articles guaranteed to dazzle users and increase web traffic then consider these ten article-marketing venues.
These article-marketing strategies will also be your main source of highly original article topics.
1. Chat Rooms ? engage your time and participate in chat rooms where your target audience frequent. In chat rooms, questions, ideas, opinions, information and data will pour forth to fill your mind with new ideas on what articles topics they will be interested.
You can just listen to their questions and then make articles answering their queries. You can also make use of their actual experience, which they will surely talk about.
2. Hot topics ? focus only on these. Topics frequently broadcasted on TV, radios and talks shows are usually the hot topics you are looking for.
Do not think that because they are much covered in these medium, people are already fed up with them. Not until they stop talking about it is people fed up with such issues.
3. Discussion Forums ? get deep into forums and message boards. Same as in the chat rooms, check out queries and questions on certain topics. They do not much see these topics in the internet that is why they are asking. You can grab this opportunity by writing articles that will answer their articles.
The answer to their questions is the ideas waiting to be formed into informative articles.
4. Customer Survey ? conceptualize a question and answer form and have your web site customers answer them. Request them to go to the section in your web site with the Q&A form or e-mail them with it.
From their answers, you will this know what kind of articles or ezine they want to see published on your web site. You can also ask them outright what topics they want to read about. Ask for suggestions too.
5. Guestbook ? check out your site's guest book and you will see that users sometimes have questions and comments that will give you inspiration on what topics to write about.
Some users also go as far as offering useful ideas to guide you in writing article with high readership percentage.
6. Hot Selling Products Advertisements ? this article marketing strategy are usually found on online bookstores superior sellers list. You can also find them on online business sites where they broadcast the best-sold product during a week or a month.
This will provide you with a nice and useful idea on article topics that will capture the idea of bought buyer and seller.
7. Time ? well this may not be an article marketing strategy, but it sure is a good approach in order for you to come up with worthy topics.
You can center your articles depending on the holiday, season and world-shaking events people are most interested in. You can also add a bit of history. Write about something that occurred during a certain period in the present.
8. E-mail discussion lists ? for those who do not know it yet, another article-marketing source is the e-mail discussion lists. Check out unusual stories being discussed, too.
9. In Demand topics in your Niche ? present fads on a specific industry related to your web site are usually good topics, too. It also draws a lot of leadership.
10. Customer Questions ? instead of simply e-mailing your customer or client and straightforwardly answering them, write an article instead.
Killer ideas for attention ? grabbing and fresh ideas take time to form and ample of user participation or involvement.
It is about time we tap the rich resources provided by these article-marketing tricks. You might actually burst with many new things to write about once you have gone through them!
Journal Of Marketing Research
One must remember that affiliate marketing is not a "get rich quick" scheme, but a solid business that has the potential to generate massive wealth for anyone who treats it so. Affiliate marketing is a joint venture between the product owner and an affiliate. This can be a very lucrative partnership for both parties.
A thriving business these days can provide enormous openings for individuals as affiliate marketers. What are the best affiliate programs to choose. There isn't any one "best affiliate program," while one program may generate enormous wealth for one affiliate marketer and the other a discouraged affiliate marketer.
The following tips will help you become the best affiliate you can be...
Search for affiliate programs that provide some sort of affiliate marketing training for their product; after all, these merchants are best suited to help you promote their product or service. Take a look at the sales page for the product or service you wish to promote and note things like, does this site look professional, would you buy from this site, if it doesn't work for you, then it will more than likely not make you any money as an affiliate.
Most good affiliate networks will give you some kind of scoring system such as EPC (Earnings Per Click) to help you decide which programs are going to be more profitable for you. Affiliate networks can greatly assist when it comes to getting paid on time and in full, because affiliate programs will not last long on the network, if they make a habit out of missing payments or not dishing up the dough.
Try and not bite off too much too soon when it comes to affiliate marketing, by keeping your program selection simple and something your passionate about, will make it much easier to turn a profit. Only when your first affiliate venture is profitable, should you consider joining another affiliate program.
Decide to promote only one product or service until you have reached the level of income you desire, then, and only then, should you look to adding more products to your affiliate marketing efforts. Far too many affiliates spread their efforts too thin and therefore fail to reach the rewards that attracted them to affiliate marketing in the first place.
For most people the search engines are the first port of call when it comes to searching for a product or service that satisfies their needs, therefore as an affiliate marketer, it should be you number one goal to have your site ranked well. Provide keyword-targeted content on your web site that will pre-sell the sales page of your chosen affiliate program.
Write frank reviews of the affiliate program you wish to promote. Tell your readers about the good points and the bad, this will help to make your message come across less of a sales pitch and more of an honest recommendation. Writing articles about your affiliate product and submitting them to the top article directories will portray you as an authority and make your readers more willing to trust in your recommendations.
Both Eric Lorence & Jeremiah Oconnell are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Eric Lorence has sinced written about articles on various topics from Banner Advertising, Acne and Bodybuilding Supplements. E. S. Lorence is a free lance writer, author, and Internet entrepreneur based in Alpharetta, GAVisit Thought Search Articles for thousands of interesting and info. Eric Lorence's top article generates over 40500 views. Bookmark Eric Lorence to your Favourites.
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