Given that youre reading this article, youre most likely suffering from hemorrhoids, or have a close friend or family member that is suffering from hemorrhoids.
In this article I will talk about 4 different types of hemorrhoid cures, Ill explain exactly how they work and give you all the information about the pros and cons of each treatment method.
Hemorrhoid Cure #1
The first form of hemorrhoid treatment that Ill discuss is the use of suppositories. Suppositories are medications that are inserted into the anal canal in an attempt to add moisture or lubrication to help the stool pass more easily.
Lubrication of the stool can be helpful to hemorrhoid sufferers because it allows them to pass through the rectal canal with minimal aggravation of the hemorrhoid. Suppositories can help to reduce pain and also to reduce the chance of bursting the hemorrhoid. For some people the work well but in general they will not be enough to cure hemorrhoids by themselves " they may work well as a temporary measure and as a form of pain relief.
Hemorrhoid Cure #2
The second popular hemorrhoid cure in applying creams, gels, and ointments to the hemorrhoids. The idea creams and gels is that they will soothe the hemorrhoid and reduce pain.
Temporary pain relief is possible when using creams and gels. In general they will not lead to a permanent hemorrhoid cure and they shouldnt be expected to. Some creams and gels can be quite irritating and even cause painful burning sensations.
Hemorrhoid Cure #3
Probably the most undesirable of hemorrhoid treatments is surgery. It is a very expensive and painful option where some patients face recovery times in excess of 4 weeks. Hemorrhoid surgery cannot be performed on all patients and permanent treatment of hemorrhoids cannot be guaranteed.
Hemorrhoid Cure #4
The last hemorrhoid treatment worth mentioning is the use of natural hemorrhoid remedies. Guides such as H Miracle have proven extremely effective in treating hemorrhoids and very quick results can often be obtained. Negative side effects are not a problem as the human body readily accepts almost all forms of natural treatments. Hemorrhoid remedies are usually quite simple and can be performed in the comfort of your own home.
Natural cures such as H Miracle have been responsible for the curing of thousands of hemorrhoid sufferers worldwide. You can get more information about H Miracle as well as a free 5 part mini-course exposing secrets about hemorrhoid cures and much more information by visiting the link below.