Roofs are not made in the same way they were years ago when our homestead was built. Today, there are more types of roofing materials to choose from, and many homeowners are choosing a metal roof. Homeowners are finding there are more benefits to having metal roofs of their buildings, which is adding to their already gaining popularity.
Durability is a major factor in homeowners choosing metal roofs. Metal roofs are sturdier and more dependable when it comes to weather such you'll find in winter storms. Summer windy rainstorms and extreme heat are not as much of a threat with metal as with asphalt or other types of tiles and shingles. Metal roofs can withstand fire better, too. When you use a metal roof, you home will be protected better than if you'd used traditional asphalt tiles.
Another plus for using metal roofs is their ability to deter heat moving in or out of the house. Metal roofing consists of compounds that help to reflect the heat better, allowing your home to stay warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. Most people that use metal roofs notice a decrease of up to 20% in their energy bills. The thermal reflectivity provided by metal roofs through each season, makes them very popular roofs.
Unlike shingles or tiles, which are locked on two sides, metal roofs are made with a special interlocking system, which works four different ways, helping them to last longer and withstand more. This four-way interlocking system is another factor that helps make the home more energy efficient in summer or winter.
Metal roofs are made with layers of different compounds including paint, and metallic and polymer coatings. This combination makes them more durable as well as more rust resistant than other roofing materials. The performance of the polymers on your roof helps it to look like brand new. If your roof being to fade, you only have to hose it down with water and it will look like brand new again. These qualities make this roof very low-maintenance requiring little repair or special tools.
Yet another reason why metals roofs are gaining popularity is the value they add to your home. It adds value because of the savings on your energy bill. This becomes a plus if and when you try to sell your home. It will also add to the appraisal value of your home because metal roofs usually last close to 50 years, if not your lifetime. Most prospective buyers will know if they have maintenance problems, roofing won't be one of them.
Another plus for using metal roofs is that there is a larger variety of styles and colors than other types of roofing material. This also adds to the value of your home.
Installation of metal roofs can be done over the existing roof, which makes it timesaving and less cost. Overall, metal roofs are gaining popularity for many reasons: style, value, energy saving, ease of use, durability and appearance.
Key To Successful Management
It's simple really. A website's link popularity, often called "Link Pop", can be determined by the quality, quantity, and relevance of the other websites that link to its page.
Link Pop can be a tricky thing. In the good old days, search engines determined a site's page ranking by the amount of times the keywords appeared in the text. Soon webmasters learned that if they squeezed an obnoxious amount of keywords into their site's text, the site would eventually gain a very high page ranking.
Since search engines like Google gain users by serving quality webpage matches, they had to get smarter than the web developers. Google decided that instead of keyword match-ups only, page ranking would in addition be based on pages that had the most links to them. In theory, a website that has a bunch of other pages linking to it must be good, right? Wrong.
Webmasters would create these links any way that they could. "Link Farms" began developing and cluttering up the web. A link farm is essentially a page with tons of links on it, often in no particular order. These pages were virtually useless to web users, yet web designers were using them to gain better page rankings.
The thing is, search engines aren't designed for web developers. They are designed for web users. Thus, when the "best" sites weren't showing up first, Google had to try yet another strategy.
This time links would be categorized. The best kind of link is an "Inbound Link." An "Inbound Link" basically means another site links to your site. This generally happens because the webmaster of the site feels that the information on your site is valuable to his or her readers. Your page ranking will improve significantly if the website has a higher page ranking than yours and if there is obvious relevance between the two sites.
An "Outbound Link" means that your site offers a link to another site. "Outbound Links" don't hurt your popularity if they are relevant sites, but they don't necessarily help.
Then we have "Reciprocal" and "Non-Reciprocal" links. A reciprocal link means that two sites connect to each other. A non-reciprocal link is a one-way link. Search engines are able to tell the difference between reciprocal and non-reciprocal links. Obviously non-reciprocal links are more credible because there is no direct benefit to the linker, and will thus increase your link popularity.
In order to create link pop for your website, you should focus on creating as many inbound non-reciprocal links as possible. One of the best ways to do this is through locating sites that are similar to your own and that accept links on their site from other related websites.
This can be a very time consuming process if done manually but there are many software programs out there that can make the job much easier and in less time then if you were doing it manually.
One of the best programs on the internet to handle this process is called Backlink Submitter and it can be found at
Link directories are another great way to build ones link pop. Essentially, a link directory provides users with a collection of links organized by topic. There are thousands of directories to choose from. DMOZ and Yahoo! are the most heavily weighted.
Directories exist solely to provide users with valuable resources. They are edited and organized by humans, so appearing in a directory can be a measure of a site's worth. If your website is listed, it is viewed by users as a credible source.
Get your link in many directories as you can! There are two benefits. It will generate targeted traffic to your site, and it can improve your page ranking. When choosing a directory, look for the ones that allow you to add your own title and/or keywords. Choose directories that have less than 50 listings per page, and make sure the addition can improve your page ranking.
The submission process can be frustrating and time-consuming. The upside is, once your link is posted your link pop can shoot through the roof.
Fortunately, we have developed a way to make the submission process painless. To learn how to efficiently submit your website to the top directories on the web, go to
Both Ray Walberg & Tom Dahne are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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