There are many factors which make marriage a success, namely physical, psychological and financial. When one of these fails it leads to misunderstandings, quarrels etc. leading to a divorce. People often associate their happiness with luxury and comfort. It is important to understand that material wealth cannot bring long lasting happiness in life.
The high cost of divorce, financially, or emotionally is seen whenever couples are engaged in the divorce procedures. Financially, the cost of divorce often drains the purse of both the husband and wife while meeting the legal costs of separation.
Running a family single handed after a divorce is always strenuous. Difficulties are a part of life and when it comes to serious decision making where you badly need a partner to share your thoughts, you will be emotionally disturbed. This disturbance will not help you to face the situations or solve them peacefully.
Apart from this, the high cost of divorce, financially, or emotionally will be a cause of great worry. Lack of mutual understanding between couples disharmonizes the marital affairs of couples and leads to divorce. These days the affair recovery center helps to solve the problems that are caused by the infidelity of the spouse. So, this has led to a decrease in couples seeking divorce with infidelity as a ground for separation.
If the people view their problems with a highly subjective mind, they cannot decide effectively as they are on an emotional roller coaster ride. The affair recovery center helps the people with proper and objective advice.
It is obvious that money provides security and stability to the life of the family members. The high cost of divorce certainly affects the family financially and emotionally. In fact, children are also affected, as they are also involved.
The counseling centers do help the couples to refrain from divorce. They also help them to learn the techniques to face problems tackle domestic issues and develop psychological strength to cope with tough times in life. The key factor to a successful marriage is adopting a give and take policy.
As the saying goes 'Smooth sea doesn't make skillful sailors', we have to learn a lot from the difficulties of life whether it is financial or emotional. The key here is not to take the little incongruities and mannerisms of your partners too seriously and work together to make your marriage a success and enjoy life to the fullest.
Keys To A Successful Marriage
Make your marriage a success instead of a divorce statistic. Judged by the rising tide of divorce statistics, it has become increasingly difficult for a young couple to make a success of their marriage. But if you understand the causes for failure and the essentials for success, you need not end up among the failure statistics. Your marriage can be a success.
One reason for failure is the tendency of people to take marriage for granted, like steam heat and hamburger stands. Marriage to them is just something you do, like wearing shoes, getting your hair cut, or brushing your teeth. As such, it does not seem to call for any special training or understanding. Whatever knowledge and skills you may need you can pick up, just as you learned to walk, or get on and off the bus. 'Doin' what comes natcherly' seems to be enough.
Marriage is lots of fun. But it is a party in which you are host as well as guest. Therefore it is work. It can mean what seems to be an endless round of dishes and diapers. It means bills, worries, and sometimes burdensome debts. If the relationship between husband and wife is to continue rich and worthwhile, and if their children are to have attractive personalities, marriage means hard work and almost saintly forbearance.
People who come to marriage as to a party, expecting loads of pleasure at little cost, are likely to feel cheated. If your marriage is to become a success, rather than a divorce statistic, you must put real effort into it. Yet effort alone will not be enough. You must know what to do, and what not to do, and have the skills which are necessary for success.
Intelligent understanding as an essential to success in marriage.
Many people still fail to appreciate the importance of sound knowledge for marital success. We are coming to see that marriage is a serious vocation which requires trained competence for success. If you must have specialized training in order to raise corn and hogs successfully, how much more should you know in order to be successful spouses and parents!
Judge John A. Sbarbaro in his book, Marriage is on Trial (Mac-millan, 1947), urges that all couples be required to complete a course in premarital training before they are granted a license to wed. He suggests the inclusion of a study of the economic problems of the family, fundamentals of child psychology, sexual relationships, 'in-laws,' the effects of broken homes upon children, and the responsibilities and opportunities of the church and similar agencies in the strengthening of family life. A divorce court judge sees every day that good intentions are not enough! There must be technical, scientific knowledge.
Do not take happiness in marriage for granted, be prepared to work hard, and have some solid knowledge about important subjects like parenting and in-laws. These are the very basic pre-requisites for success in marriage. Begin with these principles and you will not fail in this important enterprise!
Both Alex Archer & Jimmy Cox are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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