Kidney stones is a disease that affects many people and has an increasing spreading in all ages groups. Avery common symptom when there are stones in your kidney is an upset complaint of stomach. When the urine has a high content of minerals there are formed stones or calculi, most of them are formed of calcium, uric acid, oxalate. These calculi may pass into the ureter, can irritate the kidney which gives pains and block the urine flow.
Other symptoms are: fever, severe pain in the abdomen, blood in the urine, chills, nausea, vomit. The drugs recommended to prevent stone formation and painfull attacks may have side effects such as: alergies, constipation, bowel upset, drowsiness.
Your doctor may advise you to: cease the intake of salt, potassium, phosphorus and other electrolytes. To control nausea and vomiting it may be useful to follow a diet protein and to limit the intake of fluids. Because the medication of prevention the kidney stones formation may determine upset bowel movements, you should drink at least 10-12 glasses of fluids per day. Kidney stones may appear in any decade of age and in every corner of the world. Being such a painful disease it requires quick treatment and attention.
Scientists affirm that kidney stones may be transmitted ereditary, a person that once had kidney stones may get it again. Kidney stones may be presented in the kidney or in the ureter as solid mass that consists of tiny cristals. Kidney stones may be refered to as: renal calculi or renal stones or nephrolithiasis. Another definitory symptom in kidney stones is paleness(when the skin and mucous membrane colour is lost or abnormal) the patient skin tends to become whitish or yellow and affects the inside of the mouth, the lining of the eyes, the palms of the hands, lip and tongue. It is evident for the palms of the hands, nails and lining of the eyes even it may affect the whole body.
Paleness appears in anemia, when there are insufficient red blood cells, in shock, cold, fainting, hypoglycemia as a result of decrease blood supply to the skin and in kidney stones. But it may appear in high blood pressure, kidney failure, obstruction of urinary tract, urinary tract infection, congestive heart failure. When the stones grow in dimension, they tend to block the ureter which is a narrow duct between the bladder and the kidney resulting intense pain and injury in the mucous membrane. Sometimes the stones in kidney stones are eliminated with the flow of urine, but when the stone is blocked and an infection may occur or any damage to the kidney a surgical intervention is needed. If you experience paleness with no evident cause you should look for medical advice as quickly as possible.
Kidney Stones And Symptoms
Initially, a person who is Suffering from kidney stones will not experience any serious symptoms of the disease. Kidney stone symptoms get serious as time passes and can turn disastrous if ignored for a longest duration. These stones are hard multitude of substances, which may include the foreign substances, as well as those from the body itself as dead tissues.
Until the size of these stones is small, they do not create any problems. However, if they grow in size and start block the passageway of the substances through the kidneys. Consequently kidney stones give rise to some problems, which may be either simple or they can be very severe too.
However, in the initial stages the kidney stones do not show any symptoms. On the other hand, the symptoms may be very modest or only one of them may occur. If just one of the kidney stones symptoms appears, the people do not take it too seriously. Some other reasons are accounted for it. However, when some of the other symptoms too, start appearance then the people get mindful of that something is wrong with them.
Due to the happening of the kidney stones, the patients feel pain in the abdomen. This is the most common kidney stones symptom. Generally, this pain begins from a mild one and it goes on increasing as the stone may grow in size.
The second symptom that the patient of kidney stone faces is the pain during urination or the menstruation. This happens if the stone blocks the flow of the urine form the kidney to the urinary tract. This hurting can be very serious depending on the blockage that the stone proves to be for the urine. Similar thing happens during the menstruation. If it becomes very painful then there is a need of medication.
In addition to the hurting during the urination, other problems with the urine also occur. One of them is the gain in the frequence of the urine and in addition to that, it becomes difficult to hold the urine. Most of the times, this occurs along with the hurting during the urination. Because of this, the problems of the patients increase.
Some people also experience coming out of blood with the urine. This happens due to the injury that the stone may cause to the nearby tissues. Sometimes due to the same reasons, some other secretions are also observed in the urine. This changes the color of the urine. Therefore, the change in the color of the urine is also a kidney stones symptom.
In addition to the problems with the urination, the other parts in the pelvic region i.e. the genital parts also experience pain.
The kidney stone also causes infections and inflammations in the surrounding region and thence these may lead to the other problems too. In such cases, the patient feels dull and unenergetic. He may develop nausea. This Sickness and vomiting without any, other reason is also a symptom of the kidney stones.
In addition to this, they patients sometimes experience fever and chills. During this fever the hurting in the bones and other parts of the body also occur. The bones of the back and abdominal parts are affected. Especially the back hurting is a severe happening during the kidney stones. This hurt may be modest in the beginning but in most of the cases, it becomes very high in the later stages.
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