Kids from 2 to 4 years old have the capacity to operate computers. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 67% of kids of this age use the computer and almost 1 of 4 use the internet. Although online activities may not be very interesting to these kids, the sounds and images that the internet has add to their learning experience and can stimulate broader imagination.
Since they take sound and images they see on the internet at face value and don't have the capacity to discern fiction from real, anything that they see and hear on the internet that may be disturbing can result in fear. They can take the portrayals of violence, danger, and threats as true and real. Thus, it is dangerous for kids at this age to be exposed to webpages with disturbing images and sounds.
To protect your kids from this, here are the internet safety tips you should know:
?Don't leave your kids alone in front of the computer. They may accidentally open hyperlinks that lead to unsuitable sites.
?Keep a list of websites that are right for your kids' age. Bookmark these websites for easy reference.
?If you want to look for other sites, do it without your kids.
?Keep the computer in an area where you can easily see it. Always sit with your kids or have an adult to guide them whenever they will use the computer or the internet.
?Use filtering devices and security settings to prevent your kids from accidentally opening scandalous websites.
?Download kids-friendly internet browsers.
?Keep the popup blocker "on" to prevent unwanted sites from opening to your screen. Disable Java to ensure that the popup is neutralized.
?This age is the best time to teach your kids about the importance of privacy. Teach them not to give any private information to anyone, online or offline.
?Encourage all family members to act as a role model to the kids on the right use of the internet.
?Encourage your kids to share with you their experience while using the internet.
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