When many fashion icons like, Jennifer Lopez, Madonna, wear them to boost up their sexy look, there is no question of why is the desire to wear Thigh High Boots catching up like a fire. Clearly, Thigh high boots are becoming a craze among teens and young ladies. It's the way to keep up with trends and the ever changing fashion world. But fashion world has its own territory, beyond it looks awkward, odd and doesn't mix up the tradition and culture.
Though thigh high boots break away from its initial association with prostitutes or people of that trade, they are often seen as a symbol of eroticism and are worn with fetish clothing. So naturally when you wear them for any occasion, you need to know perception of the social gathering on them. What is seen as a fetish and undesirable by a person may be seen as the fashionable and adorable by the other. People's personal tastes and prejudices differ so much and you need to decide whether or not to wear them when you meet people of various mindsets.
Thigh High Boots Prohibited Area: Violation Costs Reputation
While is no rule in black and white which prohibits you to wear thigh high boots, there are two common places where wearing them is seen highly ridiculous.
Obviously, fashion and being sexy is out of place for your Sunday prayers. No one may question your personal choice of wearing a sexy boot for Church, but definitely, you will feel odd and uneasy while people stare at you questioningly. Moreover, kneeling down with a thigh high boot is quite a tough task and does spoil your boot. Tradition is always much behind the fashion, and it will take time to change its prejudices.
Murphy's Law on work says: "To err is human, but to forgive is not in the company policy." That's how the life at work goes. Individual freedom and choice has a place at work but with limits. If your company requires you to wear a perfect uniform, pairing it with thigh high boot may look un-professional. Sure enough, your company would require you to look professional to its clients and may not have a place in its policies for your thigh high boots.
Other Places to avoid wearing Thigh High Boots:
While you may wear thigh high boots for a Friday night out or a Saturday night party, give a careful thought whether to wear them for a family get together or a party where you may chance to meet more conservative people.
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