Falsifiability implies that if a certain condition applies to a situation, or a person, an inference may be drawn out of it and the same condition may not apply to all other similar situations or persons. For example, a man who is dark skinned is Asian. This does not mean that all dark skinned men are Asian or that all Asians are dark skinned. The law of attraction takes a few incidents where people have tasted success, and attempts to apply the same philosophy to all situations.
When judged by many scientific testing parameters the law fails to live up to its logical quotient. This means that the claims brought by the theory are unable to give an exact relation between the thought process and the results. The cause and effect relation, as posited, often overlooks the probable deterring factors or differences in circumstances. The theory makes a hypothetical study of human nature and draws out the inference, by frequent and repeated reference to a few instances, some of which may also be coincidences.
Modern believers in the law of attraction are of opinion that the theory originates from quantum physics, in its treatment of thoughts as atoms.
According to theories in quantum physics, the world is composed of countless atoms. Each of these atoms is charged with energy and is interchangeable, i.e. they can be used to influence each other and are open for infinite changes. This explains a sense of dynamism of thought. The law of attraction speaks on somewhat similar lines as quantum physics in terms of thought as energy atoms.
Following the example of quantum physics, the law supposes the human mind to be composed of thoughts. Each of these thoughts are like charged atoms which are capable of generating enormous power. The law of attraction, going further along the lines of quantum physics, points out, that since energy and matter are interchangeable and can be utilized for good results, the human mind, which is also open to changes, helps us in molding the situations in our life to shape our reality.
According to quantum physics atoms have energy and are drawn towards atoms with similar energy composition. So following that principle, the law of attraction states that thoughts like atoms are drawn towards same kind of thoughts. Thus, the law of attraction points out that "like attracts like". This explains how thoughts relating to ones goal attract thoughts centering on the ways to achieve it, eventually attracting thoughts of reaching the goal.
Again, quantum physics points out that everything has potential and nothing is fixed, which means, if our goal is fixed, there are a number of ways to achieve it. In the same way, the law of attraction points out that if we are focused over what we want to achieve, nothing can prevent us from reaching it. Thus, quantum physics also speaks of what the law of attraction referred to as fending off negative thought through thinking.
Though the law of attraction bears similarity with quantum physics in many ways, it is not a scientific law, in the true sense of the term. The law of attraction is more a part of pseudoscience and a gathering of spiritual philosophies to gauge the power of human mind. Quantum physics may be considered a concrete means of explaining what the law of attraction aims at propagating.
The references to quantum physics made by the law of attraction are mostly incorrect. The proposition that thoughts, like atoms have energy fields is not a proven fact in science. The principles of thought, as supposed by the law of attraction, underline certain beliefs that are true in some cases and may be followed as example. Many of its credos have a hypothetical explanation, often attaching magical imagination. The law of attraction is mostly refined pseudoscience and has very less to do with concrete scientific truth.
Among the spiritual circles, the law of attraction is criticized strongly because of its attempts to hold individual ego and self will at unity with the higher self. The two are contradictory and cannot operate in synergy. On the other hand, the law of attraction which emphasizes repeatedly the inner consciousness and spiritual integrity makes a generalized statement; it overlooks the diversified collective mind and treats the single as the many.
The law of attraction refers to abundance. The theory explains profundity as feeling of happiness. The question is, why the law of attraction, (which is capable of resolving every situation), is unable to solve the problem of inequality of wealth? Moreover, the law of attraction aims at abundance, taking into account, there is enough for all and one only has to find his share of prosperity. The theory wants us to believe in a truth which hardly exists. The law of attraction does not delve deep enough to consider the societies or cultures where it cannot operate likewise.
The law of attraction, no doubt, is an inspiring theory dealing with the unrealized powers of mind. However, the theory appears too generalized and often misses out on external factors which may not be within the minds reach.
Law Of Attraction Quantum Physics
I recently asked a Chabad rabbi if he believed in conscious creation - combining thought and feeling to manifest our dreams and desires - and if he found this principle within the teachings of Kabbalah. "Of course," he replied. "Despite all the conversations today about The Law of Attraction (like attracts like) and secret manifestation processes, Kabbalists have known these things for ages." Then he added, "But most of these other people teaching these principles leave out one really important aspect - the real secret."
"The need for action?" I asked.
"Well, you do need to take action as well," he replied. "But what I'm talking about is the need to create for God. If you aren't creating something that allows you to do God's work, to work for God, to serve God, manifestation won't happen."
Ah...So much for that new car I wanted and the literary agent I wanted to help me sell my books to publishing houses.
As we talked, however, I realized that what he was saying wasn't so black and white. In fact, if that new car I wanted would help me get my children safely to the activities that help them develop into the people they are meant to be, then I am doing God's work. If the car gets me to a lecture where I teach people something that helps them in some way, I am doing God's work. If a literary agent can help me get a book published that also helps others, that could also be considered working for God. Unless, of course, the books and the speaking are more about my ego - being famous and powerful - than about doing good in the world. Then I am not serving God; I am serving myself and my own ego.
I was taught to end every prayer for or visualization about something I desired with the following statement: "This or something better is now coming to me for the highest good of all concerned." If we qualify our efforts to manifest our dreams and desires with this statement, we at least put it out there - to God, to the Universe, to the Creator - that we only want what is in our best interest and in the best interest of others. This may not be doing work for God, but at least it only asks for the manifestation of things that allow us to do good in the world.
I like to follow this statement with another: "Ken yehe ratzon. Let it be God's will." And if it's not God's will, I trust that I will be shown what I should be focusing on manifesting - something better, something with a higher purpose, something closer to God's work, something that allows me to serve and create for the Source of all Creation.
Also, I enjoy remembering the Kabbalistic belief or saying "As above so below, and as below so above." This means that what happens in the heavenly or Divine realms happens on the physical plane as well and vice versa. So, if we are creating for the good of all, if we are manifesting things to help us serve God and a higher purpose, we positively affect the Source of all Creation as well. And as positive creation happens in the Divine realms, so it happens in our own world.
Could this be the Law of Attraction at work? Could it be that as we focus our thoughts and feelings on what we want we create a vibration that moves from the earthly plane to the Divine plane, creating out desire there, which then brings about the same experience ? the Divine manifestation has a vibration that emanates towards the physical causing my desire to manifest? I like to think so, although some would wonder why God needs a new car or a literary agent!
The Kabbalists teach us that we are each a thought in the mind of God, as is the Universe in which we exist. If I am a thought in the mind of God, and that thought causes me to exist, to be manifest in the physical, then if my thought of creation is also of God, than it surely will be made manifest as well. I will create something of God in my life. And what better "thing" to create, what higher desire could there be, than to create more of the Divine here on the physical plane. Ah, but are we then truly manifesting something new or simply bringing the unseen into focus? For God is everywhere and in everything. We just don't always notice. Notice God in the world, and determine if God is in the dreams and desires you want to create.
And may your dreams and desires serve God and the highest good of all concerned and, therefore, be made manifest easily and effortlessly through your deliberate acts of conscious creation.
Both Paul Warren & Nina Amir are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Nina Amir has sinced written about articles on various topics from self improvement and motivation, Guided Meditation and Dating and Romance. Nina Amir, an acclaimed journalist, motivational speaker and Kabbalistic conscious creation coach, currently is writing Setting a Place for God, A Woman's Guide to Creating Sacred Space and Inviting the Divine to Dwell Within It. She also is the author of. Nina Amir's top article generates over 60500 views. Bookmark Nina Amir to your Favourites.