People we watch on television always appear squeaky clean, as if the women carry soaps around in their purses along with their lip-gloss, such as the girls in Sex and the City. Never once do we see them without their clean 'glow', why exactly are we addicted to such storylines following the lives of four New York women?
With the helping hand of soap a part of everyday life we take for granted, even then with such things we still have to improve our lifestyles from food to simply upgrading our soaps. Life is like an airline we are all fighting to get the best seats. We want a better lifestyle because we are becoming so much lazier. People surviving the third world countries may have a better chance if they had the privilege of soap to enable them to have a much more hygienic lifestyle. Though we all fall into the idea that if we use the same products as people of the celebrity world we too can be like them, we too can expand our confidence by using all over shampoo followed by nourishing body lotion as if the refreshing scent from hand and body lotion will revitalise our very existence so we can fall into our clean escapist world. Where we needn't show the little routines of everyday life as now the world is much less trivial and much more of a journey. Hand in hand with soap we can step into our future consisting of the beautiful Prada stores lining up the streets of New York, Paris and Milan.
Unless they have been grubbed up for the purpose of the story. We hardly ever see people on TV except maybe the punched up people off East Enders who don't have that glow about them which clearly is from their extensive use of soap. Perhaps that's why we don't see them experiencing the day to day routines that we are all used to because they are so extreme with theirs. For the obvious reason that we do glue ourselves to the television screen not only to watch the hopeful future that we know deep down will never be ours. We too want to glow but we just don't know which soap to use? Perhaps that is the key to becoming a celebrity Hollywood star it fundamentally comes down to the fact that we simply don't know which soap makes us glow? Once you know the secret we are after I think then we too can glow.
Sean Glynn has sinced written about articles on various topics from Arts, Family Travel and Arts. By Sean Glynn (soap | soaps) Self appointed expert on soa. Sean Glynn's top article generates over 3600 views. Bookmark Sean Glynn to your Favourites.
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