Many website owners find the task of creating a website and then promoting that website a daunting prospect. This is especially true for anyone who is creating their own website for the first time. Although they may have great knowledge about their website niche, this is not enough when it comes to generating traffic to the site to get the information read. Unless a website owner is creating a site on an obscure topic, the likelihood is that there will be millions (or sometimes billions!) of websites to compete against for search engine traffic. This means that the site needs to generate the all important backlinks that play a significant part in many of the top search engines algorithms for high search engine placement. This is where writing and submitting articles to article directories can be very rewarding, but this is not the only benefit that article writing possesses:
- Aswell as the backlinks that are provided to a website, an article also provides an opportunity for an author to display their expertise in a particular field. The hope is that readers would then be encouraged to find more of your articles and to visit your website for further information that would be of interest to them.
- In all probability the visitor to the article directory who has decided that an article is of interest to them is reading the article because the article topic interests them. This means that any visitor that chooses to then visit a website in the resource box can be described as a highly-targeted visitor. It’s one thing getting a visitor to a site, it’s another getting a targeted visitor - they are already interested in the topic your website represents!
The level of success that one can achieve from article submission is largely dependant on the article quality and the value of the information it contains for the reader. The article topic will also determine the success and readership of that particular article. For example, it is likely that there is a greater audience for marketing related topics than there is for a niche like coin collecting. This is certainly not to say that an author cannot reap great benefits by submitting such an article. In fact it could be argued that an article written about a topic such as coin collecting has less competition within the article directory sites, allowing the possibility for a potential targeted reader to find it easily.
Article writing and submission holds benefits for all authors, no matter the topic of the article. Concentrating on the quality of an article and how informative it is for a prospective reader is important, but sitting down and actually giving article writing a go is essential for all webmasters in order to drive targeted traffic to a website.
Article submission should not be underestimated - it is one of the best promotional tools a website owner possesses.
List Of Article Submission
There are three important things you need to know about article submission as a web advertising tool. You can drive traffic to your website only if you use article submission effectively. First, you should know how it works, then find out how it helps you. Finally, you should know what your articles should be.
How it works
As webmasters or website owners, your first task is to come up with articles. You can either write it yourself or hire writers to write the articles for you. Once you have the articles, you can post it in article directories. There are two ways to do so. First is with the use of article submission software, and the other method is through article marketing services. Using the first method is less expensive and less time-consuming than using the second one. The only thing you have to do is obtain an article submission software, load your articles in it, and press ?submit?. The software will then submit the articles to article directories, while you sit and watch your web traffic increase. On the other hand, using the second method, instead of loading your articles to a software, you will instead pass it on to an article marketing service, which posts your articles on its partner article directories. This method, however, is not free. After all, it is called a ?service?.
How it helps
Now that you've distributed your articles to various article directories using one of the methods mentioned above, you can simply wait to see if they help drive traffic to your site. Here are the benefits you can expect from article submission. Article submission create one-way links to your site, which increases your page rank better than any other kind of link. Also, you can be sure that the traffic driven by article submission is targeted, since those who click on the links in your articles are already potential customers. Article submission also build your credibility as a source of information, because you are showing the readers, through your articles, that you are knowledgeable about the particular topic discussed. These things, then, will all help drive more traffic to your site.
What your articles should be
However, how can you ensure that your articles are able to do all these things? Here are what your articles should be: SEO-driven, unique, and credible. When we say ?SEO-driven?, we mean that the articles apply SEO strategies. This, of course, includes keyword-based strategies. Use the best keywords and key phrases, and use them a lot, too. As part of your SEO efforts, make sure that your articles are also unique and varies in content. Don't just submit one article to a lot of article directories. Search engines have a way of filtering out websites or articles that have duplicate contents. So make sure that you stockpile a lot of unique articles that vary in content. You can submit different articles every week, to make sure that your articles on the Web are plenty and varied. Also, no matter how many articles you post online, if their contents are not credible, they won't help you at all. No one is going to click on a link if you don't first get them to believe you. So make sure that you do some research and come up with an article that is genuinely backed by knowledge and valuable information. This way, your articles will really motivate readers to click on that link and thus, drive traffic to your site.
Now, you're ready to use article submission as a tool. This tool is highly recommended, because it really pays off. This would explain the rise in the number of webmasters and website owners who use article submission to drive traffic to their sites.
Both Justin Brown & Alan Lim are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Alan Lim has sinced written about articles on various topics from Colorado Springs Refinance, Flirting Tips and Online Dating. Take advantage of the different ways how you can drive traffic to your website. To learn more about article submission, visit the link at Articl. Alan Lim's top article generates over 135000 views. Bookmark Alan Lim to your Favourites.
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