Here's how to turn your 7 tips article into a teleseminar.
3 simple and powerful steps:
The amazing thing is this is not hard to do. Follow these three steps and not only can you do it, you can do it over and over again with your articles.
Steps 1 - Do your market research - Once your article is written and then published by EzineArticles. You want to pay attention to which of your articles are getting the most views and click thrust. Your market will tell you which articles they are responding to the most. You do not have to guess, for more details visit to just watch the numbers. The articles that have the most views and click thrust are the articles you want to repurpose into teleseminars.
Step 2 - Create your Action Guide - So just what is an Action Guide? An Action Guide is the outline of your teleseminar that you will give to your listeners and use yourself. An Action Guide helps to keep the attention of your listener, for more details visit to and helps keep you on track. An Action Guide allows me to make an extra point or two that come to mind during a teleseminar and then come back to where I am without getting lost. WIth a 7 tips article all you need to do is create an outline for the Action Guide with 7 learning points, an introduction and an offer.
Step 3 - Conduct your teleseminar - You already know your readers and listeners are interested in your topic because you have done your market research in Step One. You have your outline to follow when you have created your Action Guide in Step Two. When you have done the first tow steps well, the teleseminar is the fun and easy part. Just take each of your 7 tips and elaborate on each of them. Make sure you give good information so your listener can take action on the tips in your teleseminar.
Here are the five steps to building a list of gold with your articles:
1. Your article - You want to write an article that leaves the reader wanting more information and wanting it from you. The funny thing is you don't do this by holding back your information. You do this by giving good solid information and then offering them more.
2. Your resource box - You want your resource box to flow right out of your article and into your invitation to the reader to come back to your website or blog for more great information. Make sure what you are offering is a "no-brainer" that anyone who just read your article would just have to have.
3. The trade - This is where the reader trades their email address for more great information from you. Number one tip - make sure that on your opt-in page there is only one thing for the reader to do - opt-in or leave.
4. Follow up - Your future and fortune is in the follow up. Don't merely give them the information they asked for. Send them additional information and offers with your autoresponders. This is an easy thing to do. It's also easy not to do. Make sure you do it.
5. TGC - TGC stands for Take Great Care of your list. Answer their questions. Ask them questions. Provide great information, products and services.